Afghaanse president Karzai zit achter Koran-woede

Geen categorie04 apr 2011, 16:18

President Karzai, de man met het bekende Janusgezicht, heeft 't weer eens geflikt. Hij heeft het vuurtje in de moslimwereld dat 'knuckle-dragger' Terry Jones heeft aangestoken, tot een woedende brand gemaakt.

So Karzai pronounced Jones' isolated deed “a crime against a religion” and a “disrespectful and abhorrent act.” To further stoke enmity against America and the West, he said the U.N. and the U.S. were responsible for bringing Jones to justice (which, of course, given our First Amendment protections, the U.S. can't do unless officials can prove Jones somehow violated a fire code).

The hateful burning of any book sacred to millions of people is certainly a “disrespectful and abhorrent act.” But it's just as abhorrent to recklessly and needlessly incite people's angry passions about it, especially when Karzai knows enough about the U.S. to know that Jones and his extremist ilk represent a minute corner of our society – and when he and other leaders in that part of the world rightly urge us to remember that Islamic terrorists are an aberrational minority in their own society.

Een bijzonder juiste analyse. Lees hier meer.



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