Miljoenen klimaatvluchtelingen vermist

Geen categorie04 jul 2013, 16:30

Bij tijd en wijle wordt de krantenlezer opgeschrikt door verhalen over miljoenen klimaatvluchtelingen. Bij nader onderzoek blijken die echter onvindbaar.

Paniekverhalen over miljoenen klimaatvluchtelingen vormen een succesnummer op het repertoire van de klimaatalarmisten. Onder de titel, 'The Sixth First Climate Refugees', onderzocht Willis Eschenbach de feiten en publiceerde deze op de website van Anthony Watts.

For years now, folks have searched desperately for the “fingerprints” of human climate change. These are things that are supposed to reveal how and where humans are affecting the climate. One of these fingerprints, which is alleged to be a sure and certain harbinger of the thermal end times, is the appearance of the long-awaited “First Climate Refugees”. The UN IPCC confidently forecast that there would be 50 million climate refugees by 2010 We saw none.

But before that there were supposed to be climate refugees from the coral atolls of Tuvalu which turned out not to be sinking but instead expanding in area. So they were I guess the First Climate Refugees, and since it turned out there weren’t any climate refugees from Tuvalu, that makes the missing 50 million the Second First Climate Refugees.

Then the Third First Climate refugees were supposed to be in Bangladesh, but that turned out to be a recent squatter settlement on one of the many silt islands that appear and disappear in the river mouth there, once more nothing to do with climate. In each case, of course, the people involved were widely touted as “the First Climate Refugees”, and like the first robins of spring, were predicted to be the first of many such occurrences but they were never the first, because no refugees actually appeared. ...

Eschenbach gaat voorts uitvoerig in op de alarmerende berichten over de bedreiging van het dorp Shishmaref op het eiland Sarichef in Alaska. Hij viel van de ene verbazing in de andere.

Not only is the village on a barrier island. It’s on the most vulnerable island, the one with the main inflow-outflow channels on either side. This is a common feature of barrier island chains, that there will be a short island with a channel on each side opposite an inlet, as in this case. The two channels allow storm and tide and melt water to circulate in and out of the inlet. Unfortunately, this also means that these are the highest current locations along the coast, the channels adjacent to the island where tidal and storm and melt waters have to pass through, and thus the most subject to erosion. Anyhow, that was the funny thing I found out that I hadn’t known—that the whole Shishmaref furor is about erosion on a vulnerable barrier island which is routinely battered by fierce storms I’d be shocked if the island didn’t erode and change and alter its shape.

But ascribing that to CO2? That dog won’t hunt

Lees verder hier.

De bevindingen van Eschenbach tonen maar weer eens aan dat men uiterst wantrouwend dient te staan tegenover verhalen over alle verschrikkingen die aan de opwarming van de aarde (die maar niet wil komen) worden toegeschreven.

Voor een uitvoerig overzicht daarvan met doorklikmogelijkheden zie 'A complete list of things caused by global warming' (hilarisch!).

Maar er zijn toch wel degelijk klimaatvluchtelingen, maar dan anders dan de klimaatalarmisten ons willen doen geloven. Onlangs bracht ik een bezoek aan verschillende kolonies Nederlanders en andere nationaliteiten, die zich in Zuid-Frankrijk hadden gevestigd. Een van de belangrijkste redenen was dat zij aan het warme Franse klimaat de voorkeur gaven boven het koudere klimaat van hun moederlanden. Maar die mag je natuurlijk niet meetellen volgens de broeikasgelovigen. 

Voor mijn eerdere DDS–bijdragen, zie hier.


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