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Hoe is dat, een jaar zonder internet?

Geen categorie02 mei 2013, 18:00
Hoe is het eigenlijk om een jaar lang zonder internet te leven? Dat vroeg Paul Miller zich af. The Verge betaalde hem om een jaar lang geen internet te gebruiken. In plaats van zich rot te surfen op het web, kon hij écht surfen, in de zee dus.
Het begin was, aldus Miller, fantastisch:

And everything started out great, let me tell you. I did stop and smell the flowers. My life was full of serendipitous events: real life meetings, frisbee, bike rides, and Greek literature. With no clear idea how I did it, I wrote half my novel, and turned in an essay nearly every week to The Verge. In one of the early months my boss expressed slight frustration at how much I was writing, which has never happened before and never happened since. I lost 15 pounds without really trying. I bought some new clothes. People kept telling me how good I looked, how happy I seemed. In one session, my therapist literally patted himself on the back. I was a little bored, a little lonely, but I found it a wonderful change of pace. I wrote in August, "It's the boredom and lack of stimulation that drives me to do things I really care about, like writing and spending time with others." I was pretty sure I had it all figured out, and told everyone as much.

Maar dat was dus bij het begin. Nu, na een jaar zo geleefd te hebben schrijft Miller:

It's hard to say exactly what changed. I guess those first months felt so good because I felt the absence of the pressures of the internet. My freedom felt tangible. But when I stopped seeing my life in the context of "I don't use the internet," the offline existence became mundane, and the worst sides of myself began to emerge. I would stay at home for days at a time. My phone would die, and nobody could get ahold of me. At some point my parents would get fed up with wondering if I was alive, and send my sister over to my apartment to check on me. On the internet it was easy to assure people I was alive and sane, easy to collaborate with my coworkers, easy to be a relevant part of society. So much ink has been spilled deriding the false concept of a "Facebook friend," but I can tell you that a "Facebook friend" is better than nothing. My best long-distance friend, one I'd talked to weekly on the phone for years, moved to China this year and I haven't spoken to him since. My best New York friend simply faded into his work, as I failed to keep up my end of our social plans. I fell out of sync with the flow of life.

Het internet is, hoe je het ook wendt of keert, een zegening. De enige vraag is: hoe gebruik je het? Om niets te doen en een beetje voor je uit te staren, of op een goede, productieve en leuke manier die iets toevoegt aan je leven?
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