[Video] Feit en fictie over belastingen en uitgaven

Nieuws28 mei 2011, 12:14

Veronique de Rugy legt uit.

De econome Veronique de Rugy heeft een vast wekelijks item bij Bloomberg TV waar ze feit en fictie van elkaar onderscheidt.

Deze week:drie mythes, en de bijbehorende feiten, over belastingen en overheidsuitgaven.

Myth 1: Millionaires who favor of an income tax increase are fiscal heroes.

Fact 1: No, they’re not. Many of the rich get the majority of their income in the form of capital gains and dividends rather than ordinary income. They are essentially advocating a tax increase on those making much less money than they do.

Myth 2: Big government means more redistribution to the poor.

Fact 2: Large governments tend to have less progressive taxation than smaller ones.

Myth 3: The doomsday projections about unfunded Social Security and Medicare obligations are overstated.

Fact 3: The unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare exceed one full year of the United States’ gross domestic product. That’s on top of the spending that’s supposedly funded.

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