Turnbull gispt klimaatevangelisme van Britse regering

Nieuws10 jun 2011, 16:30

Het voormalige hoofd van de Britse 'civil service', Lord Andrew Turnbull, gispt het klimaatevangelisme van de Britse regering en zijn voormalige collega's.

Onder de forse titel, ''We must stop pandering to climate scaremongers': Ex-Civil Service chief blasts ministers for global warming 'evangelism'', rapporteert de 'Daily Mail':

Politicians and Whitehall mandarins are pandering to global warming ‘alarmists’ and consigning Britain to a future of inflated fuel bills and economic misery, the former head of the Civil Service warned last night.

Lord Turnbull – who served Tony Blair as Cabinet Secretary from 2002 to 2005 – accused MPs and civil servants of failing to challenge the ‘climate change consensus’. He suggested that by blindly following the green agenda, the Government had hit hard-working families with a range of costly policies.

Lord Turnbull also pointed out that ‘by and large humanity has prospered in the warmer periods’. ‘It is regrettable that the UK Parliament has proved so trusting and uncritical of the (global warming) narrative and so reluctant to question the economic costs being imposed in pursuit of decarbonisation,’ he said. ‘I am also disappointed that so many of my former colleagues in the civil service seem so ready to go along unquestioningly with the consensus.

'From our politicians we need open-mindedness, more rationality, less emotion and less religiosity; and an end to alarmist propaganda and to attempts to frighten us and our children.

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