Tientallen Turkse agenten gearresteerd

Geen categorie23 jul 2014, 11:04


Eergisteren meldde Twitter-gebruiker @Democracyindex dat de Turkse overheid de volgende ochtend massaal politieagenten zou oppakken die ervan verdacht worden lid te zijn van Fethullah Gülens Hizmet beweging. Dit zou op basis van gefabriceerd bewijs gebeuren.

Reuters meldt:

Dozens of Turkish police including high-ranking officers were detained on Tuesday, accused of spying and illegal wire-tapping of Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his inner circle in what the chief prosecutor said was a concocted probe of an alleged terrorist group. The former Istanbul anti-terror police chief, himself among those detained and led away in handcuffs, said the incident was entirely political, coming just a few weeks ahead of a presidential election in which Erdogan is standing.

Onder leiding van premier Erdogan is Turkije hard op weg om een politiestaat te worden.

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