Saoedische dokter nu actief voor ISIS

Nieuws23 jul 2014, 10:18


Het vreemde is dat Saoedi-Arabië doodsbang is voor serieuze, grote terroristische organisaties, maar er ondertussen zelf voor zorgt dat de eigen bevolking radicaliseert.

A new image of the Saudi doctor who had joined the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria surfaced on Monday. Mustafa al-Anzi appears holding a large combat knife in the picture, showing that he had indeed joined the ISIS. Al Anzi was reportedly killed on July 11 in an Iraqi military air-strike on an ISIS assembly in Mosul. Another image of Al Anzi yielding an AK-47 appeared a week ago. His brother explained to Al Arabiya News that bearing arms as doctor was necessary as he was operating in a conflict area.

Hilarisch genoeg houdt de familie nog steeds vol dat hij alleen maar actief was als dokter, dit ondanks de foto's hieronder.

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