Stemfraude is volstrekt normaal in Groot-Brittannië

Nieuws02 jun 2014, 12:00


Dit soort praktijken vinden vrijwel alleen plaats in gebieden waar er veel immigranten zijn.

The mayor himself, according to a senior Labour figure present, was “visibly throwing his weight around” and being “overly familiar with count staff, some of whom were telling him they had voted for him even as they counted the votes”. Mr Golds, another subjected to a recount, found his vote had changed by more than a fifth overnight, from 1,098 to 1,345.

And Sanu Miah? In the recount, his vote dropped by a quarter from 2,270 to 1,722 and he fell from first place to sixth. Two of the three seats in his ward went to Mr Rahman’s Tower Hamlets First party. “I think this election was stolen from me,” said Mr Miah.

Lees het hele verhaal van Breitbart London even. De autoriteiten weten namelijk dat dit soort fraude steeds vaker voorkomt - en op een behoorlijk grote schaal - maar doen er niets aan. Dit omdat ze bang zijn om 'islamofoob' te worden genoemd, of om als racist te worden weggezet.

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