Een deel van de miljardairs in de VS klaagt dat rijken te weinig belasting betalen, dit onder aanvoering van superbelegger Warren Buffet (People like myself should be paying a lot more taxes") en Bill Gates sr. (Rich people arent paying enough.). Daarom hebben ze zich publiekelijk verzet tegen de verlenging van de 'Bush tax cuts' voor rijke Amerikanen. The Fiscal Times geeft nu de enige juist reactie:
The Fiscal Times has decided to put them to the test. Were asking them to pay the amount they would have paid to Uncle Sam if the Bush tax cuts had expired. For Mr. Buffett, thats $4.3 million more, based on his $46 million income from 2006. Not a small chunk of change to help bring down the growing deficit. (...) Luckily for them, paying up is easy. Anyone can make a charitable donation to the government through the Treasury Departments Gift to the Public Debt program
The Fiscal Times heeft het formulier alvast voor ze gedownload, de miljardairs hoeven het alleen nog in te vullen...