Obamas New Deal komt er niet doorheen

Nieuws12 okt 2011, 16:31

Met dank aan het Republikeinse congres.

Het buitengewoon slechte, contraproductieve, maar, hoe kan het ook anders, dure banenplan van president Obama is afgeschoten door het Amerikaanse congres. 

Republikeinse congresleden lieten al enige tijd weten niet van plan voor het plan te stemmen - en ze hielden woord.

Daarnaast waren er echter ook nog al wat Democraten die niets zagen in het plan (een feit dat natuurlijk maar snel even genegeerd wordt door de Nederlandse en Amerikaanse mainstream media.

Het grote Amerikaanse conservatieve blog Hot Air bericht:

The bill wasn’t designed to pass. If it was, Obama wouldn’t have loaded it up with tax hikes knowing that Republicans would reject them out of hand. It was designed to draw a party-line vote resulting in a filibuster so that O could (a) blame the GOP for the next 13 months of malaise while (b) claiming that they’d rather protect the rich (the one percent!!!) from new tax burdens than help America recover. He almost got that tonight — sort of. Turns out Lieberman, Manchin, and Jim Webb all agreed to help Obama out with his talking points by voting yes on cloture even though they would have voted no on the final bill. As of a few hours ago, the final tally was so uncertain that lefty Greg Sargent feared Obama wouldn’t even get most Democrats to vote yes, but in the end he did get it. So now The One gets to say, falsely, that a majority of his party backs the plan and that they’re once again being thwarted by those darned obstructionist wingnuts. (That’s why Reid is holding the vote open for Shaheen even though enough votes for a filibuster have already been recorded. O wants to be able to say he had a majority of the entire Senate voting yes.) If only Nelson and Tester had stuck with the caucus, it would have been a perfect outcome for him. None of this gets America any closer to a bipartisan new stimulus, but it might get O a bit closer to being re-elected. And that’s what’s important.

Blogger AllahPundit eindigt met de conclusie dat het plan strandde "en dat dit nou juist ook de bedoeling was". Natuurlijk doen ook onze media hun best om de mythe in stand te houden dat Obamas bedoelingen wel degelijk goed waren, maar daar trapt de oplettende waarnemer niet in.

Foto: Photobucket.com, door Liberal_NC.

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