New York Times: EU beter af zonder euro

Nieuws16 mei 2012, 12:59

Ware woorden

Een lezenswaardige bijdrage vandaag in de economiebijlage van de keuriglinkse New York Times:

Social upheaval across the euro area suggests that it may be time to call it quits and try to work out an orderly process to re-establish national currencies throughout the bloc. Europe would be in much better shape if the euro didn’t exist and each member country had its own currency. Monetary union has shackled together nations with vastly different economies, depriving them of an independent monetary policy that can help them through rough times.

Zou de EU beter af zijn geweest zonder de euro? Ongetwijfeld. Betekent dat dus dat de euro binnenkort ontbonden gaat worden? Jean Claude Juncker, kom er maar in...

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