Groot-Brittannië wil EU ontmantelen

Geen categorie07 jul 2013, 13:00
Deels dan.
Groot-Brittannië wil meer dan honderd bevoegdheden terugnemen van Brussel:

In the first part of efforts to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with the European Union, ministers will announce plans to claw back the powers. Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will give MPs details of proposals to opt out of 133 EU measures covering justice, home affairs and the police — including the controversial European Arrest Warrant — by next spring. Some of the measures that are seen to be in the national interest will then be opted back into, in a complex process, but “more than two thirds” will disappear permanently from British law, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

Nou nou, zo, zo. Hoe gaan Van Rompuy en co hierop reageren? Accepteert Brussel dit zomaar? Het is moeilijk voor te stellen.
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