Europese Commissie en Europese Raad schaffen nationale soevereiniteit af

Nieuws16 dec 2013, 16:53

Europa uber alles.

Kijk eens even welk rapport onze Italiaanse vrienden zojuist online hebben gezet. Klik op die link: de informatie die erin staat is werkelijk schokkend te noemen. 

Ik heb het dan met name over paragrafen 35 en 36. U moet die twee even goed doorlezen... Laat ik ze hier maar meteen citeren:

35. The European Council agrees on the following main features:

a) Contractual arrangements will be a "home-grown" commitment which constitutes a binding partnership between the Member States, the Commission and the Council. Where contractual arrangements are to be accompanied by financial support, the associated financial support agreement will have a legal nature.

b) The National Reform Programme submitted by each Member State in the context of the European Semester will be the starting point for the preparation of contractual arrangements. The economic policy measures and reforms included in the contractual arrangements should be designed by the Member States, according to their institutional and constitutional arrangements and ensuring full national ownership through appropriate involvement of national parliaments, social partners, and other relevant stakeholders. They should be discussed and agreed with the Commission, and approved by the Council. The Commission will be responsible for monitoring the agreed milestones contained in the contractual arrangements, on the basis of commonly agreed timelines for implementation. c) Contractual arrangements will cover a broad range of growth and job-enhancing policies and measures, including the performance of labour and product markets, the efficiency of the public sector, as well as research and innovation, education and vocational training, employment and social inclusion. They will reflect the economic policy priorities identified in the shared analysis of the European Council and take into account the countryspecific recommendations. To be effective, each contractual arrangement will focus on a small number of key impediments to sustainable growth, competitiveness and job creation and which represent a potential risk for the Euro area as a whole. Their content will be tailor-made to the needs of each individual Member State.

d) On the associated solidarity mechanisms, the European Council invites the President of the European Council, in close cooperation with the President of the European Commission, to further explore all options regarding the exact nature (loans, grants, guarantees), institutional form and volume of support while ensuring that these mechanisms do not entail financial obligations for the Member States not participating in the system of contractual arrangements and associated solidarity mechanisms; they do not become an income equalisation tool nor do they have an impact on the Multi-annual Financial Framework.

36. Work will be carried forward on the system of contractual arrangements and associated solidarity mechanisms with a view to reaching an overall agreement on both of these elements in Spring 2014.

Wat dit betekent? Dit zijn bindende lidstaatcontracten. De Europese Commissie en de Europese Raad krijgen dus een ja/nee bevoegdheid over een heel aantal zaken, inclusief bijvoorbeeld onderwijs. Een grotere soevereiniteitsoverdracht dan deze krijg je niet.

En dan te bedenken dat Rutte dit in oktober nog naar het land der fabelen verwees. Zoals Pieter Omtzigt laat weten op Twitter:

Zie ook deze tweet:

Aangezien het om concept-conclusies gaat en er dus nog tijd moet zijn om in te grijpen moet de premier onmiddelijk door de Tweede Kamer op het padje geroepen worden. Ingrijpen dames en heren parlementariërs, dit kan niet. Rutte beweerde immers in oktober nog dat deze afspraken 'niet bindend zouden zijn.' Uit deze conclusies blijkt dat wél het geval te zijn. Hij heeft de Kamer en de kiezer dus verkeerd geïnformeerd, niet?

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