Een verzekering tegen snelheidsboetes: mag dat?

Nieuws28 aug 2010, 10:00

Deze casus is voor de ethici onder de DDS-lezers: $169 per jaar aan een bedrijf betalen dat in ruil daarvoor al jouw snelheidsboetes betaalt, zou dat moeten mogen? De website (nu tijdelijk offline) biedt deze service aan. Volgens de jurist Ian Rayes, die blogt voor Freakonomics, mag het niet, want "they [] were reducing the marginal cost of speeding and hence exposing the general public to more dangerous driving behavior". De oprichter van denkt daar, begrijpelijkerwijs, anders over:

[w]e would argue, as you also mentioned, that the persistent deterrent of demerits and insurance costs would still have their effect on controlling speeding. Furthermore, we recognize that for the most part, people don’t intentionally want to get a ticket. Even if they know that the ticket would be paid for, the average person is not likely to start driving recklessly just because they can. Some individuals may chose to do that, but for most people, they aren’t willing to jeopardize their life or other drivers’, just because they can get a ticket paid for. Finally, we would also object by saying that most drivers are creatures of habit. An individual who isn’t a reckless driver, but does tend to speed 50-60% of the time may continue to do so with a Ticketfree membership, but they are not likely to speed everywhere all the time, because they already have an established driving habit.

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