De waanzin van Duitsland's energiesocialisme

Nieuws02 mei 2015, 16:30

Wolfram Weimer, hoofdredacteur van het dagblad 'Die Welt', waarschuwt voor een planeconomie via de achterdeur.

Ik heb er de afgelopen tien jaar regelmatig op gewezen dat als we het huidige klimaatbeleid met zijn groeiende overheidsbemoeienis met productie en consumptie van energie, naar de toekomst extrapoleren, we ons in de richting van een planeconomie bewegen. Maar dit effect van het klimaatbeleid op onze economische orde is tot dusver onderbelicht gebleven in de klimaatdiscussie. Echter, bij sommigen begint het nu te dagen.

Onder de titel, 'Wie Gabriel die Planwirtschaft voranbringt', bekritiseerde Wolfram Weimer, hoofdredacteur van het dagblad 'Die Welt', het huidige Duitse energiebeleid in het 'Handelsblatt'. De 'Global Warming Policy Foundation' (GWPF) bracht daarvan een Engelse vertaling, 'The Madness Of Germany’s Energy Socialism', van de hand van Phillip Mueller. Ik pik er een aantal elementen uit.

Germany’s energy revolution is getting more and more absurd. After nuclear power and gas, coal power is about to be phased out. The madness is reaching new proportions.

Thirty years ago, he would have certainly been honored as “Master Architect of Socialism” or “Chief Activist of Socialist Labour” – east of the Elbe. Sigmar Gabriel is doing everything possible to re-establish a comprehensive planned economy in Germany: the green energy transition pushes the gates to energy-socialism far open.

His latest coup: the German coal mining industry should be subjected to a national climate change regime and should submit to bureaucratic CO2–tonnes planning and arbitrary special levies. The German economy, the coal–states of North Rhine–Westphalia and Brandenburg, and the unions are up in arms. Verdi boss Frank Bsirske sees up to 100,000 jobs at risk and calls for mass demonstrations. The unfortunate RWE CEO Peter Terium warns desperately: “The levy would mean the immediate end for much of lignite mines and coal–fired plants.” And the Christian Democrat’s Armin Laschet warns:” With its special tax on coal the Minister of Economy purges the last subsidy-free, economic and import-independent domestic energy source from the German electricity market.”

In fact, the new coal plan is just another step in the great socialist power master plan that Sigmar Gabriel is rolling out all over Germany. ...

The eco–guaranteed prices already lead to all sorts of classic features of a planned economy all of which are well known from the Soviet bloc economies: unprofitable excess capacity, for example. Meanwhile, 1.4 million photovoltaic panels have been installed in the rather shady Germany. No other country in the world has built up such a tremendous and wholly unprofitable contingent. With around 25,000 wind turbines as well as thousands of biogas plants we are world leader. Like in the five–year plans of the socialist German Democratic Republic, quotas, objectives, and targets are prescribed by central ministries.

The new eco-planned economy devours vast billions in subsidies, not less than 22 billion euros total EEG feed–in tariff per year – and yet electricity from renewable sources, even after more than ten years of continuous subsidies, is more expensive than that from coal, oil, nuclear energy and gas. ...

… the green command and control economy needs to be reformed fundamentally. It has set in motion the biggest rip–off subsidy of recent history and has damaged the environment, it burdens the economy and forces all consumers to suffer from rising electricity prices. The worst distortions of the market have to be balanced by more and more new regulations. In this way, one government intervention justifies the next. Germany’s ‘real existing socialism’ has been history since 1989, thank God. The energy–existing Gabriel–socialism, however, is on the rise.

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