De quenelle is cultuur

Nieuws05 jan 2014, 8:00


De dames en heren van Commentary Magazine hebben een behoorlijk interessant stuk geschreven over de quenelle - u weet wel, de omgekeerde Hitler-groet die tegenwoordig helemaal de hit is in bepaalde kringen. Ik citeer:

The quenelle fad, which Dieudonné not unreasonably terms a success, is merely a symptom, not the disease. This outbreak is inconceivable outside the context of the non-stop incitement against Jews that masquerades as criticism of Israel or Zionism that has become a mainstream element of both elite as well as popular European culture. In the decades following the Holocaust this would have been confined to the fever swamps of the far right or far left but the old constraints against Jew-hatred have slipped away in recent years. At a time when Jewish religious practices such as circumcision and kosher slaughter are under legal attack in many European countries and Israel has become the whipping boy of the international community, traditional hate has become acceptable so long as it operates under the cloak of anti-Zionism.

Lees het hele stuk even door. Ze hebben honderd procent gelijk dat het een cultureel fenomeen is. De linkse elite heeft de krachten gebundeld met culturele onderlaag, te weten die van allochtonen. Het gevolg is steeds meer anti-semitisme.

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