"A crucial question is what will prompt Germany to greater risk/burden sharing at the regional level. In our view, there are two ways this could happen: first, when significant progress has been achieved in the national adjustments; or second, if there is an irresistible build-up of political and social pressure around the periphery."
"The political systems in the periphery were established in the aftermath of dictatorship, and were defined by that experience. Constitutions tend to show a strong socialist influence, reflecting the political strength that left wing parties gained after the defeat of fascism. Political systems around the periphery typically display several of the following features: weak executives; weak central states relative toregions; constitutional protection of labor rights; consensus building systems which foster political clientalism; and the right to protest if unwelcome changes are made to the political status quo. The shortcomings of this political legacy have been revealed by the crisis. Countries around the periphery have only been partially successful in producing fiscal and economic reform agendas, with governments constrained by constitutions (Portugal), powerful regions (Spain), and the rise of populist parties (Italy and Greece).There is a growing recognition of the extent of this problem, both in the core and inthe periphery. Change is beginning to take place. Spain took steps to address some of the contradictions of the post-Franco settlement with last years legislation enablingcloser fiscal oversight of the regions."
-1- nationale grondwetten die bestand zijn tegen dictaturen of dictaten van buitenaf
-2- de macht van regio's ten opzichte van het centrale bestuur in sommige landen en
-3- populisten (dat wil zeggen: mensen die nogal gehecht zijn aan hun eigen mening en eigendommen) Als je dat als probleemstelling lanceert en niet als na te streven ambities, dan hoort u bij de Euro-redders.
Voor u is de Euro dan het breekijzer om:
-1- nationale grondwetten stuk te maken, zodat ze open staan voor dictaten van buitenaf en immuun worden voor democratie van binnenuit.
-2- de macht te centraliseren
-3- de mening en het eigendom van mensen te marginaliseren, ten behoeve van de centrale macht welke dit toeeigent.
A: De periferie laat haar democratie los, zodat Duitsland vertrouwen in de periferie krijgt en Eurobonds toestaat of
B: De periferie komt in opstand, zodat Duitsland bang wordt voor de gevolgen en Eurobonds toestaat.