Christopher Booker veegt BBC de mantel uit over misleidende klimaatpropaganda

Geen categorie09 dec 2011, 16:30

De BBC geldt wereldwijd als de gouden standaard van onafhankelijke journalistiek. Maar wat klimaat betreft voelden velen zich de laatste tijd ongemakkelijk over de BBC-berichtgeving terzake. Immers, de BBC heeft zich de laatste jaren meer en meer als fanatiek apostel van het broeikasevangelie geprofileerd en daarmee de klimaathype niet alleen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, maar ook elders in de wereld aangewakkerd. (Zie ook hier). In strijd met haar mandaat liet de BBC slechts klimaatalarmisten aan het woord. Tegengeluiden, die toch bij een evenwichtige nieuwsvoorziening normaal zijn, werden actief onderdrukt.

Hoe is dat zo gekomen en wie waren daarvoor verantwoordelijk?

De Britse 'Global Warming Policy Foundation' (GWPF), onder leiding van Lord Nigel Lawson, voormalig minister van financiën, heeft de wetenschapsjournalist Christopher Booker verzocht een onderzoek in te stellen. Dat onderzoek is inmiddels gepubliceerd. Antony Jay, voormalig programmamaker bij de BBC en onder meer bekend van de politieke komedie Yes Minister, heeft daarin een voorwoord geschreven. Kortom iemand die de BBC van binnenuit kent, maar niet iemand die vindt dat de BBC op de oude voet moet doorgaan.

Antony Jay:

As the economic squeeze tightens, the case for a drastic slimming down of the BBC gets stronger every day. Cash-strapped households might be glad of the extra £100 a year, even at the expense of repeats, movies, imported programmes, quiz show and panel games – not to mention the sporting events we would see on other channels if the BBC hadn’t outbid them - that the BBC currently uses to fill out its schedules. But in some ways, the strongest case of all is made by Christopher Booker: if the BBC is to be paid to propagate the opinions of a liberal elite minority, it should not be allowed to dominate the national airwaves as it does today. Its voice should be heard, but it should not be allowed to drown out the others.

Maar terug naar de BBC en haar klimaatjournalistiek. Als hors d'oeuvre heeft Booker een kort artikel over zijn onderzoek geschreven, dat op MailOnline is verschenen. De titel luidt: 'The BBC and an inconvenient truth about climate change: A devastating report lays bare the BBC's endemic bias on global warming.' Hierin neemt hij vooral de recente BBC-serie 'Frozen Planet' van Sir David Attenborough op de korrel – in het bijzonder het laatste deel, dat onversneden klimaatpropaganda bevat.

Ik pik er een paar citaten uit:

From its breathtaking footage of killer whales hunting in packs to the scenes of penguins swimming with balletic grace under the sea ice, Sir David Attenborough’s BBC series Frozen Planet has been acclaimed as perhaps the most riveting sequence of natural history programmes ever produced. The sophistication of the photography, the extraordinary endeavour of the film crews to get the best shots and Sir David’s breathily authoritative commentary have had viewers entranced in their millions.

Last night’s was the final part of this landmark series, and it set a very different tone from his usual celebration of the natural world. This was because Sir David and the BBC decided to use the last programme to put over a particular message that has become all too familiar from the Corporation in recent years. Sir David used the awesome shots of the frozen polar wastes to hammer home his belief that the world is facing disaster from man-made global warming. ...

So distorted has the BBC’s coverage become that I produced a detailed report on the subject for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the ‘sceptical’ think-tank run by former Chancellor Lord (Nigel) Lawson, which is published today. My disturbing findings show that the problem began a few years ago when the alarm over global warming was at its height. Al Gore’s Oscar-winning film An Inconvenient Truth — a sensationalist documentary warning of the imminent destruction of our planet because of climate change — was packing in vast audiences and being circulated to our schools to show to children.

Tony Blair was putting global warming at the top of his government’s agenda. The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the IPCC) was producing its scariest report to date.

By making its coverage so flagrantly one-sided on the environment issue, it has betrayed its statutory duty to report on world events impartially. At a secret ‘high-level seminar’ in January 2006, 30 of the BBC’s most senior staff listened as a former president of the Royal Society, Lord May, told them that ‘the scientific debate over climate change’ was over, and that the BBC must ‘stop reporting the sceptics’. As a result, the BBC adopted a new editorial policy line, throwing any obligation to impartiality to the winds.

The BBC’s journalists and producers were let off the leash — to line up with the more extreme environmental pressure groups, such as Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund and Friends of the Earth, in pushing their global warming agenda for all it was worth. ...

The irony is that just when the BBC was going into overdrive with its propaganda, the real ‘global warming’ story was beginning to take a very different turn: none of the predictions made by the doom-mongers were coming true. Temperatures were not continuing to rise as the IPCC’s computer models had predicted they should. The ice caps were not seriously melting; polar bears were not vanishing; sea levels were not dangerously rising; heatwaves, hurricanes and droughts were not becoming more frequent, as those Nobel Prize-winners Gore and the IPCC panel had insisted they must. And ever more scientists questioned publicly the theory that the world was dangerously heating up as a result of greater amounts of man-made CO2.

Blithely oblivious to all this, the BBC carried on preaching the same old message, assuring us things were ‘even worse than predicted’, and that the only way to save the planet was to pile ever higher taxes on all emissions of CO2 and to build thousands more wind turbines (without, of course, telling us how ludicrously inefficient and expensive they are). ...

They tried to brush aside the huge embarrassment of the so-called ‘Climategate’ row in 2009 when hundreds of emails from the Climate Research Unit in Norwich were posted online and which revealed how some of the top scientists had been fiddling their data. They downplayed scandals erupting round the IPCC when it was revealed that many of its more alarming predictions had not been based on proper science at all, but only on scare stories dreamed up by environmental lobby groups. ...

By making its coverage so flagrantly one-sided on the environment issue, it has betrayed its statutory duty to report on world events impartially. Second, it has betrayed the basic principles of science by giving such unquestioning support to a theory which the evidence has increasingly called into doubt. Above all, however, the BBC has betrayed the trust of its audience, by failing to give a fair and balanced picture. This has become a national scandal. It is time we called this pampered, self-important organisation to account for having misinformed us for too long.

Lees verder hier.

Kortom, de BBC was een van de voortrekkers in een van de grootste misleidende propagandacampagnes ooit. En tot op heden zijn er niet de minste aanwijzingen voor een beleidswijziging.

Oh ja, bijna vergeten. Al een kritisch commentaar gelezen of gehoord over het (non-)resultaat van de klimaattop in Durban in de Nederlandse media - anders dan verhalen vol treurnis over het feit dat het daar zo slecht is gegaan?

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