De Habitat-richtlijnen van de EU hebben ons inmiddels al heel wat ellende bezorgd.
Reeds eerder rapporteerde ik over de overstromingen in Engeland. Samen met coauteur Richard North heeft de Britse wetenschapsjournalist Christopher Booker de oorzaken van deze ramp minitieus onderzocht. Het blijkt dat deze is te herleiden tot de Habitat-richtlijnen van de EU, die enthousiast door de Britse regering werden omhelsd. Met de opwarming van de aarde (die 17 jaar geleden is gestopt) heeft dat alles niets te maken, ook al werd dat door sommige Britse autoriteiten gesuggereerd.
Onder de titel, 'The flooding of the Somerset Levels was deliberately engineered', schreef Christopher Booker:
I fear the front-page story in The Telegraph revealing that the worst of the flood damage could have been prevented didnt tell the half of it. Nor did another newspapers exclusive on the story, reported here last week, that the Met Office had forecast in November that the three months between December and February would be drier than usual.
Devastating evidence has now come to light not just that the floods covering 65 square miles of the Somerset Levels could have been prevented, but that they were deliberately engineered by Labour ministers in 2009, regardless of the property and human rights of the thousands of people whose homes and livelihoods would be affected. Furthermore, that wildly misleading Met Office forecast in November led the Environment Agency to take a step that has made the flooding infinitely more disastrous than it need have been.
The smoking guns begin with a policy decision announced in 2005 by Labours floods minister Elliot Morley, later to be jailed for fraudulently claiming more than £30,000 on his MPs expenses. Under the heading Saving wetland habitats: more money for key sites, Morley directed that, to comply with the EUs habitats directive and a part-EU-funded study involving the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the WWF and the Environment Agency, flooding in Somerset should be artificially promoted, because wildlife will benefit from increased water levels. The 13 local drainage boards, responsible for keeping the Levels properly managed, were all to be co-opted into implementing this policy.
The Environment Agency had already stopped proper dredging of the River Parrett, which provides the main channel draining floodwater on the Levels to the sea, because of the exorbitant cost of disposing of silt under EU waste regulations. And Morley had vetoed a proposal to build a new pumping station at Dunball, at the end of the massive Kings Sedgemoor Drain, which would have allowed much more effective, 24-hour pumping of flood water into the mouth of the Parrett estuary. ...
Thus came about the disaster that has filled our television screens for weeks. The hydrology of this vast area had been sabotaged by the Labour governments deliberate, EU-compliant policy, directed by the Environment Agency. Only thanks to the intervention of the current Environment Secretary, Owen Paterson, are huge Dutch pumps at Dunball now belatedly pouring seven million tons of water a day into the sea with dredging of the Parrett due to begin as soon as is practicable.
Much of this story has been painstakingly uncovered by my co-author Richard North, who has published links to all the relevant official documents on his EU Referendum blog. As he says, not only can we now see just how this flooding was deliberately engineered. It was done in blatant disregard for the rights of all those who live and work there. The evidence is now so strong that they should seriously consider suing the Government for compensation for the damage they have suffered, which could well amount to hundreds of millions of pounds.
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Voorrang van milieu boven mensen voortvloeiend uit EU Habitatrichtlijnen! Waar hebben we dat eerder gehoord? Hedwigepolder?
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