Christiana Figueres - Rupsje Nooitgenoeg

Nieuws08 dec 2014, 17:00

Decarbonisering wereldeconomie kost $ 90 biljoen voor de komende 15 jaar.

In Lima vindt op dit moment weer een klimaattop plaats. Bij dit soort gebeurtenissen wordt de klimaathysterie gewoonlijk weer flink aangewakkerd. Zo zou 2014 weer het warmste jaar ooit zijn geweest. Maar dat is waarschijnlijk niet zo.

Tijdens de top heeft Christiana Figueres, het klimaatfonds van jaarlijks $ 100 miljard (waarover geen overeenstemming bestaat en ook niet zal komen) als een onbeduidend bedrag gekwalificeerd. 'What is needed to decarbonise the global economy, she said, is $ 90 trillion over the next 15 years.' Tja, ja.

Onder de titel, 'Billions won’t satisfy warmists', rapporteerde Christopher Booker in de Britse 'Telegraph':

Last week’s claims that 2014 is set to be 'the hottest year ever' are frankly a load of nonsense.

Led by the BBC, the usual media suspects were quick to trumpet last week’s claims by the Met Office and the World Meteorological Organisation that 2014 is set to be “the hottest year ever”. It’s funny that the rest of us hadn’t noticed; least of all those citizens of North America and Russia whose lives were lately disrupted by record snowfalls. It is true that the temperature records compiled by the avid warmists of the Met Office and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (the one formerly run by climate activist James Hansen) have managed to show this year squeaking just ahead of 2010 as “the hottest year since records began”. But the much more comprehensive and reliable satellite records agree that 2014 is way down the list, with six of the past 16 years ahead of it.

The reason for this excitement just now, even before the final 2014 data are in, is that it is timed to coincide with yet another two-week UN climate conference in Lima, where thousands of officials and activists are gathered to whip up support for next year’s planned “universal climate treaty” in Paris.

What worries them more than anything is the unavoidable evidence that global temperatures have shown no significant rise for 18 years, making ever more nonsense of all those scary computer model predictions relied on by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But so carried away are they by their quasi-religious belief system that, when it was again proposed in Lima that richer nations should pay poor countries $100 billion a year to protect them from runaway global warming, the UN’s chief spokesman, Christiana Figueres, dismissed this as “a very, very small sum”. What is needed to decarbonise the global economy, she said, is “$90 trillion over the next 15 years”. It makes the £1.3 trillion we Brits are committed by the Climate Change Act to pay to halt global warming within 36 years look like chicken feed.

Aldus Christopher Booker.

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