John Hirst
De directeur van het Britse KNMI (Met Office), John Hirst, heeft het moeilijk. Een jaar geleden werd hij door Andrew Neil op de tv ondervraagd over de langere-termijn voorspellingen van zijn instituut, die er behoorlijk naast zaten. De interviewer knoopte hier de vraag aan vast waarom hij met zulke slechte resultaten, toch meer dan de Britse Balkenende norm incasseerde. Het interview moet een marteling voor Hirst zijn geweest.
Aangezien de Met Office er ook dit jaar weer behoorlijk naast zat, vroegen de media zich opnieuw af waaraan John Hirst dat riante salaris toch had verdiend.
Dat soort berichten zijn natuurlijk om te smullen voor het lezerspubliek. Maar in de Canadese Financial Post ging Peter Foster toch wat serieuzer op de zaak in.
Peter Foster:
Lets hope Santa isnt relying on weather forecasts from the U.K. Met Office. The British deep freeze of recent weeks (which has also immobilized much of continental Europe) is profoundly embarrassing for the official forecaster. Just two months ago it projected a milder than usual winter.
This debacle is more than merely embarrassing. The Met Office is front and centre in rationalizing the British governments commitment to fight catastrophic man-made global warming with more and bigger bureaucracy, so its conspicuous errors raise yet more questions about that settled science. ...
Yesterday, the British-based Global Warming Policy Foundation, one of the worlds leading advocates for climate objectivity, called on the U.K. government to set up an independent inquiry into the Met Offices failures. It also wants an examination of the institutions politicization, although that is hardly likely to come from the very government that is manipulating it. Still, bias can be expensive. Dr. Benny Peiser, the GWPFs director, noted that the price tag on the countrys unpreparedness for this winter could reach $15-billion ....
Significantly, the Met Office is closely associated with the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, home of Climategate. Both organizations are deeply involved with the IPCC. When it comes to the CRUs crystal ball, one of its official declared a decade ago: Children just arent going to know what snow is. No danger of that for little Britons this year.
The Mets blunder follows similar cockups last year and the year before. In February, Met Office scientist Peter Stott declared that 2009 was an anomaly, and that milder and wetter winters were now for sure to be expected. He suggested that exceptionally cold British winters such as the one that occurred in 1962-63 were now expected to occur about once every 1,000 years or more, compared with approximately every 100 to 200 years before 1850. Now, the Met Office is admitting that the current December may be the coldest in Britain in the past 100 years.
Maar volgens de klimaatalarmisten mogen we het weer niet verwarren met het klimaat. Alhoewel er zijn natuurlijk uitzonderingen, althans als het in hun straatje past.
Confusing weather with climate isnt always condemned by alarmists. In March, Al Gore deemed it disgraceful that deniers dared to suggest that North Americas East Coast Snowmageddon in any way undermined the Inconvenient Truth of man-made global warming. More snow was obviously due to man. The very next day, B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell declared that the lack of snow at the Vancouver Olympics was due to man-made global warming.
Another example of one-way theory was provided three months later by climatologist Michael Mann, concoctor of the infamous Hockey Stick graph, and one of the reluctant stars of the Climategate emails. In an interview, Mr. Mann claimed that the then current North American heat wave was clear evidence of hand of man. So you see the principle: If it supports the warmist cause, its climate; if it doesnt, its just weather.
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Tja, zo gaan die dingen wanneer het klimaat betreft. Niets is te gek.