Bill Gates vindt scepticus ontwikkelingshulp "evil"

Geen categorie31 mei 2013, 12:15

Tijdens een vraag & antwoord-sessie aan de University of New South Wales heeft Microsoftmiljardair en zelfbenoemde koning van de particuliere ontwikkelingshulp Bill Gates de Afrikaanse schrijfster Dambisa Moyo keihard aangevallen. Moyo is de schrijfster van "Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There is A Better Way for Africa", het baanbrekende en confronterende boek over falende ontwikkelingshulp in Afrika. Gates stelt: "She didn’t know much about aid and what it was doing" en haar werk is "promoting evil".

Dat Dambisa Moyo niet op haar mondje is gevallen blijkt uit haar reactie op de laffe persoonlijke aanval:

"I have been under the impression that Mr. Gates and I want the same thing – for the livelihood of Africans to be meaningfully improved in a sustainable way. Thus, I have always thought there is significant scope for a mature debate about the efficacy and limitations of aid. To say that my book "promotes evil" or to allude to my corrupt value system is both inappropriate and disrespectful.

Mr. Gates' claim that I "didn’t know much about aid and what it was doing" is also unfortunate. I have dedicated many years to economic study up to the PhD level, to analyze and understand the inherent weaknesses of aid, and why aid policies have consistently failed to deliver on economic growth and poverty alleviation.."

Dit antwoord kan Bill Gates in zijn zak steken.

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