Ban Ki-Moon twijfelt aan Assads intenties

Nieuws14 jul 2012, 19:00


De secretaris-generaal van de VN, Ban Ki-Moon, twijfelt aan de (goede) intenties van Bashar al-Assad. Dat bericht de Jerusalem Post:

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Friday reports of a massacre by Syrian government forces cast "serious doubts" on Syrian President Bashar Assad's commitment to a UN-backed peace plan.

"I condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the indiscriminate use of heavy artillery and shelling of populated areas, including by firing from helicopters," Ban said in a statement. "They also cast serious doubts on President Assad's recent expression of commitment to the six-point plan in his meeting with the Joint Special Envoy," he said, referring to Assad's meeting with international envoy Kofi Annan in Damascus on Monday.

Serious doubts? Dat verzin je niet. Niks geen 'serious doubts', man, Assad heeft de schurft aan jouw vredesvoorstellen - punt. 

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