achter de coulissen broedt de eurozone voort

Nieuws20 jun 2013, 15:28

Financial Telegraph 20062013

"12.24 But the eurogroup are optimistic that they
will round up talks on the direct recapitalisation rules today, according to
Reuters citing a eurozone official.

The direct recapitalisation, or
common resolution mechanism, rules will lay out the terms for a eurozone
bail-out fund to inject capital into struggling banks, and constitute a key
cornerstone for banking union in the single currency bloc. Up until now, crisis-ridden
banks have only been recapitalised indirectly via the government of the member
state concerned.

12.17 As eurozone finance ministers gather
in Brussels
to thrash out details of the direct bank recapitalisation rules
today, Italy's
new prime minister Enrico Letta voiced his concerns over
delays to achieving the first pillar of a banking union - establishing the ECB
as the bloc's single supervisor.

The date for passing laws
granting the ECB powers to become the single supervisor for eurozone banks will
likely be pushed back three months due to a hold-up in getting the legislation
passed in the German parliament. Now, Mr Letta has questioned whether the
second pillar of banking union - a common resolution mechanism, due to be
discussed by the eurogroup today - will face a similar fate.

QuoteIf we don't discuss a common resolution of banks
in crisis at the next meeting I have a feeling that the December 2013 deadline
for this will also not be met."
  tot zover het citaat.

Terwijl wij verder slapen gaat Brussel
dus onverstoorbaar door de bankenunie met vergemeenschappelijking van schulden
(=wij betalen voor de zwakke zuidelijke banken) door te drukken.

Zodra in september  blijkt dat het BundesVerfassungsGericht er geen
inbreuk in ziet op de Duitse grondwet zijn we de cigaar. Ziet het BVF wel een inbreuk
dan wordt weer een andere manier bedacht om ons geld naar het zuiden te laten stromen.

Onze media besteden er geen aandacht
aan, er zijn voor hen ernstiger zaken.

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