2013, rampjaar voor klimaatalarmisten

Nieuws23 dec 2013, 16:30

Bijna alles wat mis kon gaan, ging ook mis.

Lawrence Solomon schrijft voor de Canadese Financial Post. Het heeft een aantal columns geschreven over prominente klimaatsceptici die zijn gebundeld in een boek: 'The Deniers: The World Renowned Scientists Who Stood Up Against Global Warming Hysteria, Political Persecution, and Fraud. And those who are too fearful to do so. '

Aan Wikipedia ontleen ik het volgende:

The book expands Solomon's National Post columns about those who he labeled as "Deniers" and who, in Solomon's opinion, dissented in some way from the mainstream opinion on global warming. In the book, Solomon questions the assertion that the “science is settled”, which he believes is claimed by advocates of the "consensus theory" and criticizes the "alarmist" view on global warming. Among the issues raised and alleged flaws presented are the Hockey stick controversy; the Stern Review; hurricane frequency and intensity; the lack of signs of global warming in Antarctica's climate; reservations on the predictability of climate models and its lack of falsifiability; the Singer-Revelle-Gore controversy; and the alternate solar variation theory, regarding the hypotheses of the warming being driven by the interaction of the solar wind with cosmic rays affecting cloud formation. ...

Naast vele prominente buitenlandse wetenschappers schenkt hij hierin ook aandacht aan onze 'eigen' Henk Tennekes en Richard Tol.

Onder de titel, 'For global warming believers, 2013 was the year from Hell' schreef Lawrence Solomon onlangs voor de Canadese Financial Post:

Almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong for the cause of global warming

2013 has been a gloomy year for global warming enthusiasts. The sea ice in the Antarctic set a record, according to NASA, extending over a greater area than at any time since 1979 when satellite measurements first began. In the Arctic the news is also glum. Five years ago, Al Gore predicted that by 2013 “the entire North polar ice cap will be gone.” Didn’t happen. Instead, a deflated Gore saw the Arctic ice cap increase by 50% over 2012. This year’s Arctic ice likewise exceeded that of 2008, the year of his prediction. And that of 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Weather between the poles has also conspired to make the global warming believers look bad. In December, U.S. weather stations reported over 2000 record cold and snow days. Almost 60% of the U.S. was covered in snow, twice as much as last year. The heavens even opened up in the Holy Land, where an awestruck citizenry saw 16 inches of snow fall in Jerusalem, almost three feet in its environs. Snow blanketed Cairo for the first time in more than 100 years.

2013 marks the 17th year of no warming on the planet. It marks the first time that James Hansen, Al Gore’s guru and the one whose predictions set off the global warming scare, admitted that warming had stopped. It marks the first time that major media enforcers of the orthodoxy — the Economist, Reuters and the London Telegraph – admitted that the science was not settled on global warming, the Economist even mocking the scientists’ models by putting them on “negative watch.” Scientific predictions of global cooling – until recently mostly shunned in the academic press for fear of being labeled crackpot – were published and publicized by no less than the BBC, a broadcaster previously unmatched in the anthropogenic apocalyptic media.

2013 was likewise bleak for businesses banking on global warming. Layoffs and bankruptcies continued to mount for European and North American companies producing solar panels and wind turbines, as did their pleas for subsidies to fight off what they labelled unfair competition from Chinese firms. Starting in 2013, though, their excuses have been wearing thin. China’s Suntech, the world’s largest solar panel manufacturer, has now filed for bankruptcy, as has LDK Solar, another major firm. Sinovel, China’s largest manufacturers of wind turbines and the world second largest, reported it lost $100-million after its revenues plunged 60%, and it is now closing plants in Canada, the U.S., and Europe. .

En zo gaat hij nog een tijdje door.


2013 was the best of years for climate skeptics; the worst of years for climate change enthusiasts for whom any change – or absence of change  – in the weather served as irrefutable proof of climate change. The enthusiasts fell into disbelief that everyone didn’t pooh-pooh the failure of the climate models to perform as advertised. That governments and the public would abandon the duty to stop climate change was in their minds no more thinkable than Hell freezing over. Which the way things are going for them, may happen in 2014.

Lees verder hier.

Toch is het puin van deze hoax nog lang niet opgeruimd. Het klimaatbeleid dat is bedoeld voor de oplossing van een niet-bestaand probleem kost de wereldgemeenschap nog steeds zo'n miljard dollar per dag. Met dank aan de klimaatalarmisten die hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn!

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