Zeer lezenswaardige column van de rechtse blogger Erick Erickson op RedState waarin hij het begrotingsplan van de Republikeinse kandidaat voor het vicepresidentschap Paul Ryan kritiseert, omdat het jaren de tijd neemt om de begroting in evenwicht te brengen. En toch schreeuwen de Democraten moord en brand.
Despite the rhetoric from spending addicts on the left, Paul Ryans plan is not the radical path conservatives would prefer. The plan does not balance the federal budget for three decades and is premised on the assumption that future congresses will show restraint. Three decades is an extraordinarily long time, but the plan does eventually balance, which is something the Presidents own budget never does.
The Democrats will demagogue Paul Ryans budget plan. They already have run commercials showing a Paul Ryan look alike shoving a grandmother off a cliff. The hysteria ignores that under Paul Ryans plan senior citizens will not see their medicare benefits affected.
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Foto: Gage Skidmore