VS en China spreken af CO2-uitstoot te verminderen... na 2030

Nieuws12 nov 2014, 17:00

Wie dan leeft, wie dan zorgt.

Tot veler verrassing lijkt er nu toch een soort overeenkomst tussen de VS en China te zijn gesloten om de CO2-uitstoot te verminderen. Maar bij kritische beschouwing blijkt de afspraak toch minder om het lijf te hebben dan partijen ons willen doen geloven.

Onder de titel, 'Delaying Tactics: US, China Agree To Curb CO2 Emissions After 2030', schreef
William Mauldin in 'The Wall Street Journal':

The U.S. and China unveiled long-term plans to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases linked to climate change, a surprise move aimed at kick-starting a new round of international climate negotiations and blunting domestic opposition to cuts in both countries.

U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have been coordinating their CO2-emissions plans for months and met to discuss them jointly Wednesday morning in Beijing, senior U.S. officials said in an earlier conference call with reporters.

The announcement, likely to influence global greenhouse-gas emissions in coming decades, caught most climate-change experts by surprise, as many observers had expected a softer commitment or a set of industry initiatives with limited impact.

The level and time frame of the emissions targets from Washington and Beijing are likely to disappoint some environmentalists, but leading experts concerned about climate change are pleased that China appears to be working in concert with the U.S. and European Union, rather than taking the side of developing countries.

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Maar men kan niet achterdochtig genoeg zijn bij dit soort politiek theater.

Onder de titel, 'Election over, so US, China agree to make unenforceable long term commitment with no consequences', schreef Jo Nova:

Now that the mid-term elections are over in the US, Obama is free to announce the climate commitments that voters didn’t need to hear. (I did say this would happen.) It’s a “landmark” agreement and a “gamechanger”, but no one can point out what happens if either country doesn’t stick to its agreement.

The end-point of this grand theater of intent and glorious promises is Paris 2015.

What matters is the appearance of “momentum” — and this show ticks all the boxes. The two global superpowers make a sudden, unexpected agreement to reduce emissions and the press can call it “remarkable”, as if it has substance. Obama – the President without a majority in either house of Congress – has announced a big new target of 26% reduction by 2025. What can a lame-duck President achieve? Fluff and PR. As it happens, US emissions have been falling for years because of the miracle of shale oil. This announcement supposedly doubles the pace of that reduction which was occurring anyhow, and which had nothing to do with any green policies aimed at reducing emissions. Furthermore, Obama, magically, will do it without imposing new restrictions on power plants or vehicles. What’s not to like?

The Chinese, meanwhile, were projected to hit their peak emissions in 2030 anyhow. So their big commitment is to keep doing what they were going to do anyway mostly. Let’s have a press conference. Everybody cheer. It’s historic baby.

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