Voorzitter economische adviesraad van Australische premier Abbott haalt fel uit tegen klimaatestablishment

Nieuws02 jan 2014, 16:30

Een frontale aanval!

Verschillende nationaliteiten staan bekend om hun gebrek aan tact – ook wel aangeduid als directheid. Zij draaien er niet omheen. Zelf slaan zij zich daarover op de borst. Andere nationaliteiten zijn er minder positief over. Nederland neemt hierbij een hoge plaats in de internationale pikorde. Maar de Australiërs kunnen er ook wat van.

In een uiterst openhartig ingezonden artikel in 'The Australian', onder de titel, 'Climate policies helped kill manufacturing', veegde Maurice Newman, voorzitter van de economische adviesraad van premier Abbott, de vloer aan met het Australische en internationale klimaatestablishment.


In his marvellous chronicle of human gullibility, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay wrote: "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."

It's a pity Mackay did not live long enough to include anthropogenic global warming in his list of popular delusions. There has been none bigger.

Since its first report in 1990, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change progressively has applied mass psychology through a compliant media to spread the delusion that wicked Western industrialists are causing irreparable damage to the climate. It champions compensation for developing countries for unspecified damages. The related UN Framework Convention on Climate Change issued a press statement in Warsaw last month saying that 48 of the poorest countries had finalised plans to deal with the inevitable impacts (what inevitable impacts?) of climate change. Several of the richest countries have pledged $100 million to add to the Adaptation Fund.

The $100m fund is additional to the hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually on reducing greenhouse emissions. Germany has been an exemplar, showing the way through substantial investment in wind turbines, solar panels. hydroelectricity and biomass (wood). Yet it has not reduced CO2 emissions in Europe by a single gram. That's little consolation to the 800,000 Germans who had power cut off last year because they couldn't pay their power bills. Little consolation, too, for German industry, which finds it is paying twice as much for electricity as its American competitors.

German utilities, which are required by law to provide back-up power for the renewable generators, are facing a bleak financial future with falling profits, increasing debt and depressed share prices. This is a serious economic and political challenge for Germany.

In Britain, which is subject to EU emissions directives, there are reports that hundreds of businesses are to be paid to shut down between 4pm and 8pm on winter weekdays to prevent blackouts. Is this the developed economy of the future?

Australia, too, has become hostage to climate change madness. It has been a major factor in the decimation of our manufacturing industry. The Australian dollar and industrial relations policies are blamed. But, for some manufacturers, the strong dollar has been a benefit, while high relative wages have long been a feature of the Australian industrial landscape. It is the unprecedented cost of energy, driven by the Renewable Energy Target and carbon tax, which, at the margin, has destroyed our competitiveness. And for all the propaganda about "green employment", Australia seems to be living the European experience where, for every green job created, two to three jobs are lost in the real economy.

The scientific delusion, the religion behind the climate crusade, is crumbling. Global temperatures have gone nowhere for 17 years. According to climatologist Roy Spencer's research, "Over the period of satellite measurement, 1979-2012, both the surface and satellite observations produce linear temperature trends which are below 87 of the 90 climate models used in the comparison" - that is, 97 per cent were wrong.

If the IPCC were your financial adviser, you would have sacked it long ago. Yet, undaunted, some NSW councils still restrict beachside development based on IPCC predictions, which are 10 times the 80 years observed record. Now, credible German scientists claim that "the global temperature will drop until 2100 to a value corresponding to the 'little ice age' of 1870".

True to Mackay's observation, individuals and scientists are slowly recovering their senses. Global polls confirm that climate change policies are losing public support. The scientific community, including some former IPCC reviewers, is rethinking. .

But the climate change establishment, through the IPCC, remains intent on exploiting the masses and extracting more money. When necessary the IPCC resorts to dishonesty and deceit. Himalayagate and Amazongate are examples. Passing off NGO activists and single-degree graduates as top scientists, likewise. Its authors have fudged data to ensure conformity with their narrative. IPCC scientists were implicated in Climategate 1 and 2. Its notorious megaphone, the BBC, hosted a conference of Britain's "best scientists" to justify biased reporting. After years of refusing to name attendees, it was finally revealed they were mainly green NGOs and BBC executives. ...

En zo gaat hij door.


From the UN down, the climate change delusion is a gigantic money tree. It is a tyranny that, despite its pretensions, favours the rich and politically powerful at the expense of the poor and powerless. But the madness of the crowds is waning and, as Mackay writes of the perpetrators: "Punishment is sure to overtake them sooner or later." We can only hope it comes before most of us descend into serfdom.

Lees verder hier (achter betaalmuur).

Bij klimaatsceptici gaat dit er in als Gods woord in een ouderling.

Is het denkbaar dat onze SER–voorzitter Wiebe Draijer of, voor mijn part, VNO/NCW– voorzitter Bernard Wientjes ooit nog eens zo'n verhaal schrijft? Ik vrees van niet. Daarvoor missen ze de nodige kritische distantie en ruggengraat.

Voor mijn eerdere DDS–bijdragen zie hier.

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Eind goed al goed, mede dank zij grote hoeveelheden fossiele brandstoffen en een onvrijwillige miljoenenbijdrage van de belastingbetalers voor de financiering van de reddingsoperatie! Maar petje af voor de redders!

Dat de expeditie mede was bedoeld om het smelten van de ijskap aan te tonen, hetgeen ongetwijfeld weer veel alarmistische klimaatpropaganda zou hebben opgeleverd, werd door de reguliere media verzwegen. Datzelfde geldt voor de 'carbon footprint' van de missie.



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