'The Economist' over Duitse 'Energiewende'

Geen categorie17 jun 2013, 16:30
Funest voor Duitse industrie.
De waanzin van de Duitse 'Energiewende' houdt de pennen in beweging. Onder de titel, 'Germany’s Energiewende: “Web Of Grotesque Distortions” “Will Kill German Industry”', schreef Pierre Gosselin daarover:
The Economist has an excellent analysis of the German “Energiewende” which is the country’s bold transformation to (80%) renewable energy by 2050. Right now the Economist is not too impressed, and its report should serve as a warning to other countries contemplating a similar move.
Some quotes:
“Germany’s Energiewende bodes ill for the country’s European leadership.”
“The reality has been messier, marked by price distortions, political U-turns, surging costs and inadequate infrastructure.”
“Businessmen say the Energiewende will kill German industry. Power experts worry about blackouts. Voters are furious about ever higher fuel bills.”
“ people see no paradox in demanding an end to nuclear power but objecting to the new transmission grid being built in their backyard.”
“ modern, clean natural-gas power plants are not viable. Only ageing, dirty brown-coal power stations with low variable costs can compete. The result is a web of grotesque distortions.”
“The cost of this mess is passed on to electricity users.”
Here we note that the Greens propose having industry take over the costs, but so far have been unable to explain what industry would do with these added costs. Not being able to think more than one step ahead is a chronic illness of the Greens.
“Germany’s most energy-intensive industries are now eyeing expansion on the other side of the Atlantic.”
Voor het artikel in 'The Economist' zie hier.
Pierre Gosselin concludeert:
The direction of the Energiewende is clear, and thus it is not hard to predict what’s up ahead for the country if it doesn’t make radical adjustments soon. Yet, its leaders refuse to pull their heads out of the sand and insist it’s going to work somehow.
From a sociological point of view, it is intriguing to observe a movement that is so cock-sure of itself, proud, arrogant, and obstinate that it would prefer to compromise the entire nation before admitting it has erred. History repeats.
The problem is that the green movement is massively institutionalized at every civic level and has been codified as the moral thing to do by all parties. How can it backtrack now and save face? Can we expect it to dismantle itself? The answer is clearly no.
Global warming science prematurely became fact and settled science years ago in Germany. Anyone who disagreed was labelled a heretic, outcast or extremist. Just take a look at the latest UBA brochure. As the Economist shows, it is truly a sad situation when a country meanders so far off course that its “extremists” in the end are proven to have been right all along. I don’t see any change of direction coming at all. The green religion has even been hammered deep into the psyche of schoolchildren. Germany finds itself back in familiar historical territory. The only thing that can save it now is a major explosive upheaval. The longer the pressure builds
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Onder de titel, 'Germany’s Green Plan is Crumbling', leverde Walter Russel Mead onder meer het volgende commentaar:
The Economist does an excellent job painting the grim picture, but it draws the wrong conclusions, suggesting that Germany should push for “a European, rather than a national, vision for the Energiewende.” That could be disastrous for Europe, which is already struggling to find its footing in the wake of the recent debt crisis. Instead, Germany—and Europe, for that matter—might consider developing domestic shale reserves, and start diverting government subsidies for wind and solar towards the research and development of the technologies underpinning these resources.
Germany’s struggles with green energy should be a warning to leaders and policymakers around the world. Renewable energy isn’t ready for primetime, and no amount of government subsidies or green pie-in-the-sky hopes are going to change that.
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Zou er iemand in Den Haag nog Engels lezen?
Mijn gevoel zegt mij dat er nog vele tientallen miljarden in een bodemloze put zullen verdwijnen voordat de Duitsers tot inkeer zullen komen.
Oorspronkelijk was het er allemaal om te doen om die verschrikkelijke opwarming van de aarde te voorkomen. Maar ondertussen trekt Moeder Natuur haar eigen plan en bevindt de gemiddelde wereldtemperatuur zich nu al zo'n 16 jaar op een plateau. Geen enkel klimaatmodel heeft dat voorspeld/geprojecteerd. Maar feiten spelen nu eenmaal een ondergeschikte rol in een beleid dat is gebouwd op een foute hypothese (AGW = 'Anthropogenic Global Warming') en doordrongen is van een welhaast religieus dogmatisme.
Duitsland is onze grootste handelspartner. Derhalve zal moeten worden gevreesd dat het Duitse energiefiasco ook Nederland niet onberoerd zal laten. Dit zou toch vanuit Nederland tot enige diplomatieke activiteit moeten leiden om de Duitsers ervan te overtuigen deze heilloze weg te verlaten. Het tegendeel is het geval: Nederland vertoont hetzelfde lemmingengedrag.
Voor mijn eerdere DDS–bijdragen zie hier.
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