In zijn 'State of the Union' heeft president Obama weinig woorden vuil gemaakt aan klimaat. Om precies te zijn: hij heeft geen enkel woord gewijd aan die verschrikkelijke klimaatcatastrofe die op ons afkomt als we niet onmiddellijk terugkeren naar de levensstandaard van het utopia waarin onze middeleeuwse voorouders leefden.
Groenvoelende goedmensen maken zich daarover ernstig ongerust.
Suzanne Goldenberg rapporteert in 'The Guardian':
Climate change: Barack Obama less interested than Bush, analysis reveals
Obama made no mention of climate change in his state of the union speech, appearing to signal a shift by White House
Barack Obama has paid less attention to climate change in his State of the Union addresses than any other president in the past 20 years, an analysis by a British researcher has found.
Obama made no mention of the words climate change, global warming or environment in his hour-long speech on Tuesday night when presidents typically employ the pomp and ceremony of the annual occasion to put forward their priorities before an American television audience in the tens of millions. The omission was in stark contrast to the presidential candidate who campaigned in 2008 warning of the existential threat posed by climate change. ...
The choice of language for the most recent speech appears to signal a strategic shift by the White House. In a conversation with reporters today, Nancy Sutley, the White House council on environmental quality, avoided mention of climate change though offering assurances Obama remained committed to the cause of clean energy. The White House has also removed reference to climate change from its website.
On average, Obama has mentioned the words environment, climate change and global warming only once in his state of the union speeches. Clinton had an average of six mentions, while the former oil man Bush who famously used his 2006 speech to lament America's addiction to oil mentioned climate change and environment on average twice. ..
There has been increasing concern among environmental organisations that Obama is prepared to give up on greenhouse gas measures so as to try to build better relationships with Republicans in Congress and the business community. Such fears were amplified by Obama's failure to use his speech to signal his support for the Environmental Protection Agency, which is under assault from Republicans.
The announcement before the speech that Carol Browner, the energy and climate change adviser, is to leave the White House has also heightened fears that Obama has given up on his campaign promise to take action on climate change.
Lees verder hier.
Het dragen van politieke verantwoordelijkheid blijkt een louterende werking op politici te kunnen uitoefenen.
En zo zijn er meer politici die het zinkende schip verlaten. Ook in Canada en bij de VN zijn soortgelijke verschuivingen waar te nemen (zie hier).
Hoe het ook zij, dit zijn weer duidelijke signalen dat de onvermoeibare therapeutische inspanningen van de klimaatsceptici om de samenleving te verlossen van de klimaathysterie, in versneld tempo hun vruchten beginnen af te werpen. Het is te hopen dat zij daarvoor t.z.t. rijkelijk gelauwerd zullen worden, al was het alleen maar ter genoegdoening van de afkeur en hoon waarmee zij tot voor kort werden bejegend.
Het is de hoogste tijd.