Staatsobligaties verslaan aandelen

Geen categorie31 okt 2011, 13:18

Voor het eerst sinds 1861.

The biggest bond gains in almost a decade have pushed returns on Treasuries above stocks over the past 30 years, the first time that’s happened since before the Civil War. (...) The combination of a core U.S. inflation rate that has averaged 1.5 percent this year, the Federal Reserve’s decision to keep its target interest rate for overnight loans between banks near zero through 2013, slower economic growth and the highest savings rate since the global credit crisis have made bonds the best assets to own this year. Not only have bonds knocked stocks from their perch as the dominant long-term investment, their returns proved everyone from Bill Gross to Meredith Whitney and Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrong. “The generation-long outperformance of bonds over stocks has been the biggest investment theme that everyone has just gotten plain wrong,” Bianco said in an Oct. 26 telephone interview. “It’s such an ingrained idea in everyone’s head that such low yields should be shunned in favor of stocks, that no one wants to disrupt the idea, never mind the fact that it has been off.”

En u kunt niet alleen aan Amerikaanse, maar ook aan Europese staatsobligaties vet verdienen. Als u een Russische schimmenmiljardair bent en vlak voor een verwachte bailout van, zeg, Griekenland tegen torenhoge tarieven staatsmeuk kocht, loopt u ook binnen. Nice! Klein minpuntje: de burger betaalt.

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