Sneeuw teistert noordoosten VS

Geen categorie02 nov 2011, 16:30

AccuWeather rapporteerde op 1 november:

The historic October snowstorm that clobbered the Northeast with tree-snapping snow over the weekend left more than 3 million people without power. For many of these residents, it could take a week or longer until power is restored. Residents without electricity will have to tough out colder-than-normal weather another day or two before temperatures take a slight rebound around midweek. Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut were some of the hardest-hit states.

Lees verder hier.

Natuurlijk mag men aan een incidentele lokale koudegolf niet de conclusie verbinden dat het nu wel afgelopen is met de opwarming van de aarde. Maar toch beginnen vele mensen zich achter de oren te krabben. Immers, het huidige weerbeeld wijkt nogal af van datgene wat ons door de jaren heen door de klimaatalarmisten is voorspeld.

Onder de titel, 'You Cannot Have It Both Ways', schrijft Harold Ambler over de twijfels die hem bekruipen.

I spent 25 years of my life worried about global warming. And one of the best proofs that the scientists and the media both had to keep me convinced was warmer winters, with less snow. Al Gore talked about it. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote about it. Dozens of scientists published papers showing that winters were getting warmer, with less snow. Well, in the midst of this kind of certainty about warmer winters, with less snow, some scientists, among them a Russian named Habibullo Abdussamatov, dared to question the idea that warmer winters, with less snow, were caused by carbon dioxide in the first place and also questioned whether Earth would continue to warm during the next few decades.

Abdussamatov and the rest of the skeptical scientists were widely ridiculed, even condemned. Corrupt, sub-human, blind, people called them. And worse. They were none of these things.

Then, a funny thing started happening a couple of autumns ago. First, significant early-season snow events began to materialize during fall. Second, winters in the Northern Hemisphere started to show characteristics of the winters that Al Gore and RFK Jr. said they missed so much. But now, in our era of terror of weather, the return to colder winters, with more snow, has been twisted by the same people who missed the colder winters, with more snow, of their youth.

These new cold winters, with more snow, were not evidence of natural climate cycles, they said. The snow was, in fact, caused by global warming. This is what they said. And I have to believe that it is what they meant. But it cannot continue.

The science claiming that the unfolding transition to colder winters, with more snow, is proof of global warming is bad science. And turning an entire generation of people into nature-fearers is a grave sin. The ocean-atmosphere system did not use to sit in benevolent stasis. Sea level did not use to remain ever stable. Droughts are not a product of modernity, and they are not increasing in number. And early-season snowstorms like the one unfolding in the Northeast were never proof of global warming. Not when they happened in the past, and not now.

To Mr. Gore, and his still passionate supporters, I say this: You cannot have it both ways. You cannot count the absence of snow as proof of your theories and the presence of snow as the proof of your theories. We’re smarter than that. And you’re going have to do better, if you wish to win this debate.

Bron hier.

Maar ja, van Al Gore horen we de laatste tijd niet meer zo veel. Hij was destijds bijna president van de VS geworden. Je moet er niet aan denken, toch?

Maar wat zal de toekomst ons brengen? Piers Corbyn heeft tijdens een recent klimaatsymposium zijn lange-termijn verwachting gegeven. Aan zijn nieuwsbrief ontleen ik het volgende:

This includes Piers Corbyn's 6 extreme weather warnings around world (late Nov to mid Jan and first announced in Madrid 19th Oct at the Congress Of Brilliant Minds). One is for EXCEPTIONAL COLD ~Nov27-Dec28 for Britain & West Europe. 5 other warnings involve Britain & Europe, USA and Australia.

Kijk en luister verder hier (vanaf 22.35).

Nu maar weer afwachten of die voorspellingen uitkomen. De voorgaande keren zat hij er niet ver naast.

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