Schaliegas verandert geo-energetisch landschap

Nieuws09 jan 2012, 16:30

Regelmatig komt nieuwe informatie vrij, waaruit langzaam de contouren van het toekomstige geo-energetische landschap oprijzen. Het ziet er naar uit dat dit minder door de OPEC zal worden gedomineerd dan thans. Vele landen zullen zich op energiegebied zelf kunnen bedruipen. Dit zou eveneens grote geopolitieke konsekwenties kunnen hebben. De prijs van fossiele energie zal onder druk komen te staan, waardoor 'duurzame' energie (waaronder wind en zon) nog meer moeite zal hebben om te concurreren dan thans reeds het geval is. De roep om een of andere vorm van bescherming vanuit deze sector (nóg meer subsidies en/of prijsgaranties) zal waarschijnlijk toenemen. Maar mede in het licht van de huidige precaire economische situatie zullen overheden, naar mijn inschatting, de voorkeur geven aan conventionele energie tegen betaalbare prijzen voor de consument. Hierdoor zal de duurzame energiesector, die thans al onder druk staat, nog een extra knauw krijgen.

Onder de titel, 'Shale Gas Turns the Tables on Petroleum Powers', schreef Humberto Márquez voor IPS:

Countries that have always depended on imported oil and gas, like Chile, Paraguay, Poland or Ukraine, and especially heavy consumers such as the United States and China, could become self-sufficient in natural gas in the near future and even start exporting it. Shale gas - natural gas extracted from shale rock - may well be several times more abundant than the proven reserves of conventional natural gas on the planet, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Moreover there are large volumes of natural gas in sandstones, and other non-conventional sources. But the real news from EIA studies is that shale gas is abundant in territories previously regarded as poor in fossil fuels or dependent on imports: China, the United States and Argentina head the list, but large reserves are also found in South Africa, Australia, Poland, France, Chile, Sweden, Paraguay, Pakistan and India. "The global energy chessboard is changing, and markets will be realigned.

Countries that have never had so much available energy will become self-sufficient, and perhaps even exporters," Luis Alberto Terrero, head of the Venezuelan Gas Processors Association (AVPG), told IPS. As gas supplies grow, "fossil fuels may become cheaper, the growth of alternative energies will slow down, and new alliances, investments and trade networks will be established," Terrero said. .

"So far this century, this is the biggest innovation in energy, in terms of scale and impact," according to U.S. analyst Daniel Yergin, author of a classic history of the oil industry, "The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power", who emphasised that one-third of all the gas produced in the United States is already extracted from shale gas reserves.

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