Saoedische liberaal: koninghuis moet er aan geloven

Nieuws13 mei 2011, 10:47

Hoe lang kunnen de Sauds nog aan de macht blijven?

Volgens de Saoedische liberaal Mansour Al-Hadj niet zo lang:

"The royal family of Saudi Arabia heaved a sigh of relief when the 'Hunain Revolution'[2] blew over without causing [it] any harm, after [the regime] did everything in its power to ensure its failure and prevent any future revolution. [It did this] through a massive security presence in the major cities, by enlisting the support of clerics who issued fatwas prohibiting demonstrations and openly calling to kill demonstrators, and by enlisting writers and media personnel who issued a verdict of 'traitor' against anyone calling for reform. [The royal family] also issued royal decrees distributing funds to the people,[3] in order to keep them distracted until the clouds of revolution lifted from the region. These royal decrees, praised by the servants and beneficiaries of the regime, do not even touch the basic problems or offer any solution to the difficulties of those who are oppressed and persecuted – be it the Shi'ites, who are regarded with suspicion and distrust; or the women, who suffer discrimination and are denied the human rights of independence and dignity; or the alien residents, who were born and raised in Saudi Arabia and know no other homeland, yet are treated like newly arrived immigrants. To these one should add... the prisoners who are incarcerated for years without charges being brought against them and without a just trial, as well as the true reformists, who call for [the establishment of] a constitutional monarchy based on [proper] institutions and for freedom and justice. All these [people] will be the fuel of the coming revolution in the Saudi kingdom, unless the authorities make amends and offer radical solutions to their ongoing suffering that grows from day to day, and meet their demands, in which they believe more strongly from day to day.

Het enige probleem met deze lezing is dat Saoedi's over het algemeen nou niet meteen de meest gematigde, liberale en verlichte lieden in de wereld zijn. Sterker nog, één van de voornaamste redenen dat westerlingen niet veilig over straat kunnen in Saoedische steden is dat zij het gevaar lopen ontvoerd of zelfs vermoord te worden door de lokale bevolking. Osama Bin Laden was geen uitzondering in zijn moederland, maar de regel; zo extreem zijn veel Saoedi's nu eenmaal (met dank aan het koningshuis dat extremisten actief geholpen heeft, terwijl het tegelijkertijd stiekem zaken deed met het 'gehate' westen).

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