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Via (even gratis registreren om te kunnen lezen):
The uncertainty caused by the deal has led Greek bonds to plummet in recent days, with yields on Greeces benchmark 10-year bonds breaching 18.5 per cent on Thursday, a new euro-era high, wiping away all gains achieved after the bail-out deal was reached.
Volgens de Financial Times is het bovendien nog maar de vraag of de (nieuwe) bail-out van 109 miljard euro er komt; mogelijk krijgen de Finnen een onderpand in natura (vastgoed of aandelen in staatsbedrijven) i.p.v. geld. Dat onderpand is nodig, want:
The issue has become highly politicised in Finland, particularly since Jutta Urpilainen, head of the Social Democrats, became finance minister after Aprils national elections. Ms Urpilainen ran on an anti-bail-out platform, and only agreed to join the government of pro-European prime minister Jyrki Katainen if such collateral deals were part of future bail-outs.