President Jemen kondigt aftreden aan

Nieuws23 apr 2011, 23:19

Ach ja, die Arabische lente weer he?

De president van Jemen heeft toegezegd binnen 30 dagen af te treden. Saleh is de zoveelste Arabische dictator die het veld moet ruimen sinds de zogenaamde Arabische Lente begon.

Ondertussen maakt het Witte Huis zich grote zorgen, aldus CSM:

A Yemen without Saleh alarms the US, which has considered Saleh a key ally on terrorism issues. He supported US raids against the local Al Qaeda franchise, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which has its stronghold in Yemen. The raids were unpopular in Yemen, and a 2010 State Department cable released by WikiLeaks revealed that Saleh accepted public responsibility for the American raids, most likely to avoid being seen as cooperating with the West. "We'll continue saying the bombs are ours, not yours," Saleh told Gen. David Petraeus about the aerial bombings of Al Qaida sites, according to the cable. The US is now wondering what it can expect as far as the continuation of those counterterrorism initiatives.

Het is met name van belang dat die aanvallen niet populair zijn in Jemen. De bevolking van dit land staat dus achter Al Qaeda

De Arabische lente begint langzamerhand verdacht veel op een Arabische herfst te lijken, vindt u niet?

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