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Overstromingen in Engeland: bescherming schaal– en weekdieren kreeg voorrang boven die van mensen

Geen categorie15 feb 2014, 16:30
Schade overstromingen in Engeland deels te wijten aan groene bevlogenheid. Davey en Fellon rollend over straat.
Grote delen van Engeland zijn overstroomd door hevige regenval. Uiteraard proberen groen bevlogen politici dit weer op het conto te schrijven van de verschrikkelijke opwarming van de aarde (die 17 jaar geleden is gestopt). Maar dat wordt zelfs vanuit de Met Office ontkend. Dit heeft tot openlijke onenigheid geleid tussen Lib Dem energieminister Ed Davey en zijn conservatieve staatssecretaris, Michael Fallon.
Onder de titel, 'Unthinking climate change worship harms UK': Tory energy minister hits back at Lib Dem attack on 'diabolical' coalition partners', schreef Matt Chorley voor de 'Mailonline':
Lib Dem Energy Secretary Ed Davey is using the floods crisis to launch an extraordinary attack on ‘diabolical’ and ‘wilfully ignorant, head in the sand, nimbyist’ Conservatives who question global warming. But Conservative energy minister Michael Fallon has hit back, insisting now is not the time for ‘political’ squabbling.
The storms which have wreaked havoc across much of England and Wales have reignited the debate about the role of climate change on altering weather patterns.
In a speech to Institute for Public Policy Research, Mr Davey insisted the disaster that has befallen much of England demonstrates ‘the possible consequences of a world in which extreme weather events are much more likely’.
Mr Davey said climate change denial and Euro-scepticism are a ‘diabolical cocktail’ that threatens efforts to tackle global warming. .. .
Mr Davey added: ‘From the right, fringes of the Conservative Party and Ukip are parroting the arguments of the most discredited climate change deniers – seizing on any anomaly in the climate data to attempt to discredit the whole.
‘This is undermining public trust in the scientific evidence for climate change – overwhelming though it is. And we can see around us today the possible consequences of a world in which extreme weather events are much more likely. This type of climate change denying conservatism is wilfully ignorant, head in the sand, nimbyist conservatism.
‘And when married to the europhobia innate to parts of the Conservative Party, you have a diabolical cocktail that threatens the whole long-term structure of UK climate change and energy policy.
But Mr Fallon, the junior Tory minister in Mr Davey’s department, condemned the outburst by his boss. He told the Standard: ‘This is not a time for Coalition squabbling. We should all be focusing on getting people’s power back on and protecting the sub stations that are in danger of being flooded.
Davey's opmerkingen zijn die van een fanatiek sekteleider, niet die van een professioneel politicus.
In een radiodiscussie met de alarmistische Britse klimatoloog Brian Hoskins verklaarde Lord Lawson ondertussen dat er geen bewijs was dat extreme weersverschijnselen verband houden met klimaatverandering:
Former Conservative Chancellor Lord Lawson insisted there was no evidence that extreme weather was linked to climate change, and urged scientists to admit they did not know what was happening.
He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'I think we want to focus not on this extremely speculative and uncertain area. I don’t blame the climate scientists for not knowing. 'Climate and weather is quite extraordinarily complex and this is a very new form of science. All I blame them for is pretending they know when they don’t.'
'I think this is a wake-up call. We need to abandon this crazy and costly policy of spending untold millions on littering the countryside with useless wind turbines and solar panels and moving from a sensible energy policy of having cheap and reliable forms of energy to a policy of having unreliable and costly energy – give up that.
'What we want to focus on, it’s very important, is making sure this country is really resilient and robust to whatever nature throws at us, whether there’s a climate element or not.
'Water storage if there is a drought; flood defences, sea defences – that’s what we want to focus on.' 
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Het betrokken radiointerview is hier te beluisteren.
Ondertussen is bekend geworden er niet voldoende is gebaggerd in Somerset om waterafvoer mogelijk te maken. Waarom? Milieuoverwegingen! Met name omdat dit de habitat van schaal– en weekdieren zou schaden.
Onder de titel, 'Floods: when the storms have passed, we must start dredging the quangos', schreef Fraser Nelson in de Britse 'Telegraph':
Once, Cameron’s Tories were green. But the experience of government has led the Prime Minister to go cool on this agenda. The floods have also demonstrated what happens if you leave environmental policy to a deeply politicised quango. ...
No one can be blamed for the rainfall, but the extent of the floods has been linked to human error – and deeply flawed ideology. Some years ago, the Environment Agency took the disastrous decision to stop the routine dredging of the main Somerset rivers, as part of an overall idea that a little more flooding might be a good thing. Now, voters may have some opinions about the agency’s decision to put wildlife before people and property – but no one can be fired. It is a massive quango, outside the direct control of the elected government.
It gets worse. As any farmer or landowner who has dealt with the agency will tell you, its staff seem to inhabit a world created by EU diktats – the Water Framework Directive, the Habitats Directive and suchlike. Thus, decisions are taken further and further away from the communities that have looked after places like the Somerset Levels for generations. If you superimpose a robotic, purblind bureaucracy on something as complex, changeable and intricate as the Somerset Levels, then disaster will inevitably follow. ...
The floods have also demonstrated what happens if you leave environmental policy to a deeply politicised quango which seems more interested in wildlife than in protecting people and property. A quango that declined to spend £5 million dredging rivers in Somerset, but somehow found £31million to build a bird sanctuary there. And all because of a certain idea of siding with nature, rather than man. ...
If global warming is to make floods more frequent, would it not be better to spend money protecting Britain against these floods – rather than spending billions in the vain hope of slowing the global warming process? This is not a dispute between believers and sceptics, but an argument about how to respond to an era of harsher, more frequent storms. Would it be such a bad thing if the cash spent on subsidising wind farms was spent on buying Dutch-style flood defences? Or doing more to stop 22,000 pensioners dying from the cold each year?
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Christopher Booker geeft nog nadere informatie over dit 'man-made disaster' hier, inclusief de namen van wie hiervoor verantwoordelijk waren.
Dus meer geld voor baggeren en voor maatregelen om het massaal doodvriezen van ouderen te voorkomen in plaats van groene bevlogenheid en windmolens!
Verwacht dat dit muisje een flinke staart zal hebben.
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