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Over Cultureel Marxisme

Geen categorie26 jul 2013, 15:40
Deze week was ik met een neef een paar dagen in Berlijn. Mijn neef, een overtuigd Marxist, wist tijdens de reis te vertellen dat Cultureel Marxisme niets met Karl Marx te maken had. Wat het dan wel was bleef wat vaag, maar het kwam er op neer dat Marxisme de filosofeert over de bevrijding van de samenleving. Dat Marx wat fanatiek was (veel Neo-Marxisten waren nu toch wel voor een vrije markt), zagen Neo-Marxisten wel vertelde hij, maar: zijn idee over de bevrijding van de samenleving was wel degelijk waar. Althans dat geloofde hij, want de mens was volgens mijn neef vooral een potentieel slachtoffer van het corporatisme. U weet wel dat zijn die dikke mannetjes met grote sigaren en hoge hoeden.
Ik ben weer terug in Nederland en heb eens goed nagedacht over zijn argumenten (die heel aardig waren). In dit stuk wil ik hierop reageren. Ik heb het in het Engels geschreven, maar dat hoeft geen probleem te zijn denk ik. 
Karl Marx: 'Liberation of the working class is an ideal, and is inevitable.'
Max Horkheimer, founder of the Critical Theory: '...that we cannot determine what is good, what is a good, and free society, from within the free society. But we can determine the negative aspects of this society.'
Joseph Schumpeter on his idea about 'creative destruction':'Old structures are constantly destroyed by new ones.  
Alan Greenspan FED chairman in july 2005: 'We in this country have embraced globalisation over the decades, very much to our benefit. The world trading system is expanding dramaticly, world standards of living have expanded dramaticly, and it is we in the United States who have benefitted the most. We recognize however that the very nature of globalization which ever higher standards of living, also is a process we can call creative destruction. The problem with creative destruction is, it is destruction, and there is an incredible amount of termoil, as i've mentioned here a many times, we hire, and essentially let go a million workers a week in this country, it's a huge turning turnover. And i think what we must focus on, as we gain the benefits of globalization, it's important that we address the problems of those who are on the destruction side of the globalization problem.'
Marx started the idea of the total liberation, a total free society. He created a construct placed it in reality. There is no rational argument in his thesis, he rejects common values based on the creation of his own concept. Marx importance in history is not based on science, but on the interest in Marx' work of his later followers. 
Marx and later thinkers like Max Horkheimer and Albert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School did not check their ideas with reality, but instead committed dreaming sessions about refining and creating new cultures. Moreover: they created the idea that a culture itself can be on the drawing table, an idea which they called: the critical theory. Max Horkheimer for example overestimated himself completely by saying that the free society can not rethink what is good, but can determine what is bad. An idea which is easily rejected because the concept of good and bad is evidently dialectic. 
What later Marxists did, is in essense retune the deskpaintings of Marx. They had no political ambition as well as ambitions for society and its culture. In essence they created and strenghted the process of creative destruction of existing values in the society by creating new ideas. 
Basic western values were criticized for example: respect for authority,  respect for the christian/judean principles, respect for the power of civilization, respect for human value, respect for the civil rights, respect for marriage, respect for the existing Western culture in itself. 
Healthy criticism is cricism on excesses of a culture. Critical theorie made the mistake to criticize the Western principles itself, thereby endangering the cultural and political advances it made in the past centuries. The process of cultural innovation Marxists created, is equal to the process of cultural destruction. As long a culture is a hierarchie of values, changing this hierarchie is destroying the main structure of this culture. Try to change the cardhouse wil inevitably destroy the cardhouse itself.The current crisis of the West is a crisis of consistency. Progressive forces and faction worldwide fail to see that their pragmatic ideals and actions strengthen the internal inconsistancies in worldwide societies. 
Progressive forces fail to respond adequately to the growing problems with education, the instability of lower- en middleclass families and the growing unemployment. Ironically these developments make progressive forces even more popular.  Decreasing education standards lower the knowledge and critical ability of the middle- and underclass, creating a chance for progressives to convince the desperate public of their progressive ideas. 
The progressive society is an indolent society. This indolent society is a willing society, literally a slaved society. The masses are tamed by the good intentions of the government. Preventing laws, pensions, benefits, entitlements, universal healthcare and subsidies. In name the society will be tolerant, open and free. But in reality it will be hysterical, narrow-minded and serving. 
Marxists in every form, do not see that there ideas about society are selffulfilling and inconsistent. The assumption they make is that people are not free, and need to be freed. Every methode to solve the assumption that people should be helped to get free, makes people more dependent and creates an even more serving society.
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