Obamas visie: 'statism'

Nieuws05 mei 2012, 14:29

Een zeer sterk stuk van Rich Lowry, waarin hij uitlegt wat Obamas visie voor zijn land (en de kiezer, in dit geval in plaats van Ingrid, Julia) is: statism. Citaat:

Julia begins her interaction with the welfare state as a little tot through the pre-kindergarten program Head Start. She then proceeds through all of life’s important phases, not Shakespeare’s progression from “mewling and puking” infant to “second childishness and mere oblivion,” but the Health and Human Services and Education Departments version: a Pell grant (age 18), surgery on insurance coverage guaranteed by Obamacare (22), a job where she can sue her employers for more pay thanks to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (23), free contraception (27), a Small Business Administration loan (42) and, finally, Medicare (65) and Social Security (67). (In a sci-fi touch, these entitlements are presumed to be blissfully unchanged sometime off in the 2070s.)

Het is triest, maar het is ook 100% correct. Dit is wat sociaaldemocraten en socialisten voor ogen staat. Hun 'ideale' samenleving.

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