Op zaterdagen zal de redactie van DDSFI proberen u wekelijks een portie leesvoer voor het weekend te geven: tien artikelen die wij gaande de week selecteren uit de vloed van stukken de wij doornemen om onze analyses te onderbouwen en te kunnen doorgeven: onze Zaterdagbijlage. Soms zullen dit artikelen zijn over zaken die niet aan bod zijn gekomen, andere vertegenwoordigen een visie die niet de onze is, maar desalniettemin van belang om kennis van te nemen.
U vindt hier de titel (wat direct ook de link is), en de eerste alinea's.
1. European Solidarity Manifesto an alternative solution to the Eurozone Crisis
A group of European economists presented European Solidarity Manifesto - a proposition to solve the current Eurozone crisis through a controlled dismantlement of the Eurozone via the exit of the most competitive countries and an agreement on a new currency coordination system in Europe.
There are a number of similarities between complex systems and Friedrich von Hayeks work, which Id like to flesh out in this blog. For those who want to build on Hayeks broad approach to social systems, they need look no further than complexity theory.
Problemen in de eurozone zijn zo diep dat politici ze niet meer kunnen oplossen.
4. The Feds's Scylla and Charybdis.
While the advanced economies have been struggling through the worst economic crisis in decades, their central banks have had it easy. After all, when faced with falling GDP growth, a financial system on the verge of collapse, plummeting real-estate prices, and a lack of consumer confidence, the needed monetary-policy response is clear: keep lowering nominal interest rates until they reach the zero bound, then pull out the big, unconventional guns.
5. Lang interview met Schäuble in WiWo.:
Volgens Schäuble is er geen 'geheim plan' voor na de Duitse verkiezingen...
6. France is heading for the biggest economic train wreck in Europe.
Eén van de betere analyses over hoe de Franse economie en staatsfinanciën er werkelijk voor staan. A must read voor Jeroen zou ik zeggen.
7. Despite "Austerity" Greek Debt Is Rising At Its Fastest Rate Since March 2010.
The total amount of Greek government debt outstanding has grown so much over the last 15 months that it has retraced over 60% of the 'haircut'-based reduction and has jumped a stunning 14.5% in that period. As KeepTalkingGreece notes, this is despite three years of strict austerity measures, incredible taxes and a debt haircut of 53% (~100billion euros in March 2012). As To Vima reports, Greek debt stands at EUR 321 billion, which is considerably higher than the pre-crisis levels of 2009. Is it any wonder that Merkel and Schaeuble have been forced to admit that a new bailout will be required? And how long before a 'new template' will be enforced?
8. Zurich-Manager belastet Ackermann in Abschiedsbrief
Wegen des Selbstmords eines Managers hat Ex-Deutsche-Bank-Chef Ackermann seinen Aufsichtsposten bei der Versicherung Zurich niedergelegt. Das Opfer beschuldigt Ackermann in einem Brief, das Unternehmen will Aufklärung.
As the fifth anniversary of the disorderly collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers approaches, some analysts will revisit the causes of an historic global sudden stop that resulted in enormous economic and financial disruptions. Others will describe the consequences of an event that continues to produce considerable human suffering. And some will share personal experiences of a terrifying time for the global economy and for them personally (as policymakers, financial-market participants, and in their everyday lives).
10. prof. Hankel:EU ist die späte Rache der Sowiet Union.
Nachdem dessen Experiment mit der gesellschaftlichen Gleichmacherei im und am kafkaesken Funktionärs-Staat à la UdSSR oder DDR gescheitert ist, versuchen es die Euro-Anhänger auf der europäischen Ebene zu wiederholen. Zwar nicht mehr im Zeichen des Unheiligen Karl Marx und seiner Irrtümer, sondern der Einheit und der Zukunft Europas.