Koe valt door dak: Braziliaan dood

Nieuws14 jul 2013, 13:00

Wait, wut?

Dit is het meest ongelooflijke verhaal dat ik de afgelopen maanden heb gelezen. Een Braziliaan is verpletterd door een koe... die door het dak van de man viel.


Joao Maria de Souza, 45, had been in bed with his wife Leni when the animal fell through the ceiling of their home in Caratinga, southeast Brazil.

The cow is believed to have escaped from a nearby farm and climbed onto the roof of the couple's house, which backs onto a steep hill on Wednesday night.

The corrugated roof immediately gave way and the one-and-a-half-ton animal fell eight feet onto Mr de Souza's side of the bed.

Het commentaar van De Souzas moeder: "I didn't bring my son up to be killed by a falling cow".

Nee. Nee, dat zal niet, nee.

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