Ministers Hoekstra (Financiën) en Grapperhaus (Justitie en Veiligheid) willen het met hun ’plan van aanpak witwassen’ moeilijker maken voor criminelen om verdiensten uit de onderwereld in de bovenwereld uit te geven. Handelaren die meer dan 3000 euro cash aannemen, worden strafbaar. Voor een particulier die bijvoorbeeld iets via Marktplaats verkoopt, geldt dit niet.
“Unmonitored resources like cash create opportunities for criminals. But they also create a sort of cushion between ordinary people and a government with extraordinary powers. Removing that cushion leaves people who aren’t criminals vulnerable to intrusion into every remote corner of their lives,” she wrote on Bloomberg View...
“If hard cash were to disappear we would need to think about limiting the ability of the government to use the payments system as an instrument to control the behaviour of its citizens,” she added.
A global economy running without physical cash will make it much easier for governments to control capital flow, according to a report by Startfor, a private intelligence agency.
Cash also allows payments to be made anonymously.