Wie zal de laatst zijn die het licht uitdoet in het huis van de klimaathysterie?
De artistieke wereld is in het algemeen 'progressief' en politiek correct. Des te opmerkelijker is het dat er in Melbourne, in een land waarin de door de overheid gepropageerde klimaathysterie eenzame hoogten heeft bereikt, een zwarte komedie op de planken wordt gebracht, waarin een klimaatscepticus als held figureert. (Deze komedie was overigens al eerder in London opgevoerd.)
Onder de titel, 'Arts Warming To Climate Scepticism', rapporteert Andrew Bolt daarover in de 'Herald Sun':
Here's proof the climate really is changing. The Melbourne Theatre Company is putting on a play next month with a global warming sceptic as the hero. Swear to God. Even artists are now serving the Greens - up on a plate.
Not that the director of The Heretic, Matt Scholten, quite dares to say so to the arts luvvies to whom global warming has been the faith of the decade.
Describing The Heretic's hero scientist in a video on the MTC website, he reassures subscribers "it's not that she does not believe in climate change, but just that she questions how and why these things happen".
Exactly like me, Matt.
[ ] how the intellectual climate has changed.
Check the synopsis of The Heretic, a black comedy by a former executive who declares he'll "always rebel against any orthodoxy" because "to me, that is the root of fascism".
As the MTC describes it: "Dr Diane Cassell is a serious scientist lecturing in what has become the cool degree at university; Climate Science...
"For nearly 20 years, Diane has been measuring sea levels in the Maldives. "When her empirical data contradicts the prevailing view on the causes for climate change, she finds herself pressured by her funding-driven boss, Professor Kevin Maloney, not to publish her findings." That plot is straight from reality. Dr Nils Axel-Morner, one of the world's greatest authorities on sea levels, has done just this research at the Maldives.
And top Australian physicist Prof Brian O'Brien last year warned of the pressure on scientists to conform to the warming faith, telling of a colleague who'd confessed: "Brian, I completely support what you're saying, but I have 65 researchers in my laboratory and the only funding I can get for them and to get their PhDs is greenhouse funding from Canberra or wherever."
[ ] haven't you, too, become utterly sick of green lecturing, hectoring, yammering and lies? Haven't you had it with being treated by warmists like a moron with the memory of a goldfish, told to panic about permanent drought one year and more floods the next?
The answer is yes.
[ ] as reason slowly returns, who's the heretic now?
Lees verder hier.
En zo blijven de domino's maar vallen. Wie zal de laatste zijn die het licht uitdoet? Onze 'eigen' Jan Paul van Soest?
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