Klimaatinquisitie slaat weer toe

Nieuws08 feb 2014, 16:30

Ongelovigen dient het zwijgen te worden opgelegd.

De laatste dagen kreeg ik weer berichten dat de klimaatinquisitie had toegeslagen: één bericht uit Canada en één bericht uit België.

Onder de titel, “The Future of Snow and Skiing in a Warming World” shuns debate on the future of climate', schreef Tom Harris voor 'Canada Free Press':

Only politically correct science ‘relevant’ in Ecology Ottawa global warming event.

“Join Olympians and snow and ski specialists for thought-provoking discussion on the challenges we face today and the future of snow sports,” proclaimed the Ecology Ottawa (EO) announcement advertising their event on Wednesday at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.

At “the Future of Snow and Skiing in a Warming World”, the public were invited to hear from a panel of winter Olympic athletes, ski centre managers, and a local scientist who contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

After statements by the participants about how snow and ice would soon be a thing of the past and the sport of skiing all but dead due to global warming, the question period began. I said:

“I’m Tom Harris with the International Climate Science Coalition [ICSC]. I’ve been a skier for about 55 years so I’d like to hear what the panel thinks about this circumstance. As demonstrated by books like this [1,000 page book held up for the audience to see], the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change [NIPCC], there are literally thousands of scientists who do not think that we’re headed for dangerous warming. So I offered to Ecology Ottawa to bring one of these scientists in, for free, I asked them about a week ago, and they turned that down. So what I’d like to know from the panel is: what do you think of excluding scientists who disagree with political correctness from appearing on the panel?”

Besides the audience’s surprise that someone would dare ask such a question, and one person calling out, “there are not thousands of scientists”, a woman immediately jumped up, obviously prepped to discredit the evil denier they knew would be attending. She launched into the sort of attack—who do you work for, etc.—that groups like ICSC face all the time. Rather than asking her to sit down and allow the panel to answer the question, the EO organizers permitted her to be passed a microphone and gave her the time to make her charge again, this time loud and clear.

“I just think that you have to divulge your, um, where you’re coming from. Mr. Harris has been paid by the fossil fuel industry for decades!” she said.

The audience applauded happily. A denier had been outed. Hurrah!

I responded that her charge was incorrect and explained that “these scientists [holding up the NIPCC report] are published in peer reviewed journals. [These] are thousands of scientists from universities.”

“There are not thousands of scientists. That’s a lie,” called out another audience member. “Boo, get out,” said another. “You only get one question.” Oops, very strict rules here, I thought. A half minute question and a quick reply was too much. One man was so angry that he turned around and gave me a finger. Burn the heretic, they seemed to be saying.

En zo gaat Harris door.

Lees verder hier.

Vanuit België (Franstalig) bereikte mij de volgende 'posting' van de hand van Jo Moreau onder de titel, 'UCL [Université catholique de Louvain], trieste overwinning van de klimaatfundamentalisten'.

Professor Istvan Marko en de filosoof Drieu Godefridi zouden het boek 'Klimaat, 15 ongemakkelijke waarheden', [een bijgewerkte tweede druk van waarschijnlijk het beste klimaatsceptische boek dat in de Franse taal is verschenen], waarvan zij coauteur waren, op 13 februari presenteren in de boekwinkel van de universiteit.

Maar dat boek is bij velen in het verkeerde keelgat geschoten, want de organisatoren van deze bijeenkomst, die er niet op uit waren te provoceren, hebben de genodigden laten weten dat zij zich genoodzaakt voelden de presentatie te annuleren als gevolg van 'de heftige polemiek (die) het ons onmogelijk maakt om een ordelijke gang van zaken te verzekeren.'

Waar de druk en bedreigingen om deze bijeenkomst te verhinderen vandaan komen, laat zich raden. Immers, Istvan Marko is professor aan de Univeristeit van Leuven, waaraan tevens de vice-voorzitter van het VN–klimaatpanel (IPCC), Jean–Pascal van Ypersele, is verbonden.

Lees verder hier.

Van Ypersele had al eerder zo'n kunstje geflikt. Zie hier.

Dit soort Lysenkoïstische praktijken zijn moreel verwerpelijk en fnuikend voor de vooruitgang van de wetenschap. In België woekert dat maar voort. In Nederland is de situatie gelukkig beter. Hier blijkt een – door onze overheid financieel ondersteunde – volwassen discussie mogelijk. Zie hier.

Voor mijn eerdere DDS–bijdragen zie hier.



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