Jolande Sap heeft huiswerkproblemen

Nieuws25 aug 2012, 16:30

Massaal banenverlies in Duitsland in duurzame energiesector

Trouwe DDS-lezers zullen zich deze opname van Jolande Sap nog wel herinneren, waarin zij zich lyrisch uitliet over die schone, duurzame energie in Duitsland. Wij zouden nog wat van Duitsland kunnen leren! Maar ze heeft haar huiswerk niet gedaan.

Duurzame energie wordt vaak 'verkocht' als banenmotor. De bittere werkelijkheid is echter dat de duurzaamheidssector thans door massale ontslagen wordt getroffen. 

Pierre Gosselin rapporteert daarover het volgende op zijn website.

Germany’s Great Energy-Jobs Destruction Revolution – Green Energies In Collapse

The European Institute for Climate and Energy here (EIKE) sums up the bad news in Germany’s energy industry, all brought on by failed green energy policies. What a mess! And things are set to get a lot worse.
Bad news have been rolling in from all fronts over the last months and weeks. The green energy generals are now in their bunkers with trembling hands. Oh the agony when reality turns out to be the opposite of what the models projected. Countries contemplating Germany’s green, centrally planned energy path really need to rethink!
EIKE writes an overview of headlines from the last 14 days (translated and condensed):
On the bankruptcy of solar company Sovello, 1000 employees are getting a pink slip. Earlier, RWE announced 2400 would lose their jobs. That mans the number of layoffs at RWE is now up to a whopping 10,400. Former RWE boss not long ago was high as a kite on green. ...

Siemens and its boss Peter Löscher were also recently big proponents of the green energy revolution in Germany. But now, according to the Berliner Morgenpost, up to 10,000 employees are about to get the boot....

Large projects like power plants and railcars have eluded the company. Its customers are cutting back investments. ...
Stern magazine writes that wind generator builder Vestas is cutting 1400 jobs.

The crisis-hampered Danish wind generator builder Vestas wants to cut another 1400 jobs by the end of the year in order to save 250 million euros.” ...
The Finanical Times on Solarworld:

For Solarworld things look even gloomier. After millions in write-offs and deep red figures over the first 6 months, Chairman Frank Asbeck again expects another operating loss this year. Share prices collapsed on Monday, falling 11.5 percent to €1.17. ...

Ondertussen rijzen de energiekosten verder de pan uit.

Bild“ writes on rising energy costs:

“Living is getting more and more expensive! Gas is up 80 percent, and heating costs have tripled, rentals have jumped 23% the big cost drivers are mainly the costs of utilities: Since 1999 electricity has jumped 80%, natural gas has doubled, heating costs, depending on the type – has doubled or tripled.”

And that’s just for starters: green politicians are getting worried about the energy situation Die Welt summarizes:

Instead of getting off this false path called the green energy revolution and turning back the subsidies and getting back onto a sensible path, the disastrous subsidies are to be piled on even more. .

Maar er is ook goed nieuws. Helaas komt dat echter uit het buitenland.

Handelsblatt wrote enviously: The Energy Revolution Is Elsewhere.

“ the newly discovered oil and shale gas reserves now give the USA a cheap supply of energy. That is attracting companies Natural gas production in the USA is climbing towards a record high. Oil production in July reached the highest level since 1999. According to a March report by Citigroup, the ‘reindustrialization’ of the USA could produce another 3.6 million jobs by 2020 and boost GDP growth by up to 3% The outlook for cheap energy will give a number of industrial sectors a competitive advantage, among them steel and aluminium manufacturers, automotive, chemicals and fertilizer companies and with respect to the shale gas boom, gas prices in the USA will be much more competitive than in the Middle East because there are no political risks.“ ...
All that’s left is to add is that gas prices in the USA have fallen 80% over the last months. Here in Europe, they’re going up.

Lees verder hier.

Maar zijn dit soort feiten genoeg om Jolande Sap uit haar fantasiewereld te bevrijden? Als een gemiddeld kamerlid dit soort sprookjes over duurzame energie zou vertellen, zou dat al erg genoeg zijn. Maar Jolande Sap is econome! Daarbij dient echter wèl te worden aangetekend dat zij in Tilburg heeft gestudeerd. Dat is de universiteit waaraan Diederik Stapel, hoogleraar cognitieve sociale psychologie, was verbonden. Bovendien was het de universiteit die klimaatgoeroe Al Gore een eredoctoraat heeft verleend.

Wat hebben Sap, Stapel en Gore met elkaar gemeen? Zij hebben een hekel aan feiten en vertellen sprookjes!


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