James Delingpole: 'Global Cooling' op agenda Bilderberg-groep

Nieuws27 sep 2010, 16:30

James Delingpole

Volgens James Delingpole, die voor de Britse 'Telegraph' schrijft, zou de Bilderberg-groep (waarin Prins Bernard destijds een belangrijke rol speelde) tijdens haar bijeenkomst in juni in Sitges, niet over de opwarming van de aarde maar over de afkoeling daarvan hebben gesproken. Hij rapporteert daarover onder de titel: 'Global Cooling and the New World Order'.

Bilderberg. Whether you believe it’s part of a sinister conspiracy which will lead inexorably to one world government or whether you think it’s just an innocent high-level talking shop, there’s one thing that can’t be denied: it knows which way the wind is blowing.

At its June meeting in Sitges, Spain (unreported and held in camera, as is Bilderberg’s way), some of the world’s most powerful CEOs rubbed shoulders with notable academics and leading politicians. They included: the chairman of Fiat, the Irish Attorney General Paul Gallagher, the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Dick Perle, the Queen of the Netherlands, the editor of the Economist . Definitely not Z-list, in other words.

Which is what makes one particular item on the group’s discussion agenda so tremendously significant. See if you can spot the one I mean:

The 58th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sitges, Spain 3 – 6 June 2010. The Conference will deal mainly with Financial Reform, Security, Cyber Technology, Energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, World Food Problem, Global Cooling, Social Networking, Medical Science, EU-US relations.

Yep, that’s right. Global Cooling.

Which means one of two things. Either it was a printing error, or the global elite is perfectly well aware that global cooling represents a far more serious and imminent threat to the world than global warming, but is so far unwilling to admit it except behind closed doors.

Let me explain briefly why this is a bombshell waiting to explode.

En dan beschrijft Delingpole de verschrikkingen van het huidige geldverslindende klimaatbeleid. Maar hij verwacht toch een ommekeer, die gepaard zal gaan met een verandering van de klimaatretoriek.

There will be less talk of “combatting climate change” and more talk of “mitigation”. You’ll hear [ people ...] like Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren avoid reference to “global warming” like the plague, preferring the more reliably vague phrase “global climate disruption

De lijst van schuldigen is volgens Delingpole lang:

Al Gore, George Soros, Bill Gates, Carol Browner, John Holdren, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Tim Yeo, Michael Mann, Ted Turner, Robert Redford, Phil Jones, Chris Huhne, John Howard (yes really, he was supposed to be a conservative, but he was the man who kicked off Australia’s ETS), Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Yvo de Boer, Rajendra Pachauri .The list of the guilty goes on and on. Each in his own way – and whether through ignorance, naivety idealism or cynicism, it really doesn’t matter for the result has been the same – has done his bit to push the greatest con-trick in the history of science, forcing on global consumers the biggest bill in the history taxation, using “global warming” as an excuse to extend the reach of government further than it has ever gone before.

Hij eindigt al even bloeddorstig als sommige van mijn vaste reaguurders:

We need a “Global Warming” Nuremberg.

Lees verder hier.

Maar ja, zoals Einstein reeds zei:

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

Vergissen is menselijk. Cognitieve dissonantie komt bij iederen voor en is geen misdaad. Dus kan e.e.a. nu niet op een prettiger en beschaafdere manier worden afgewikkeld? Bijvoorbeeld een 'taakstraf' in de vorm van het schrijven van een boek? Bij vele voormalige communisten heeft dat ook een therapeutische invloed gehad.

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