Israël-boycotters maken 900 Palestijnen werkloos

Nieuws28 aug 2014, 17:00


Dat Israëlhaters van over de hele wereld zover gaan dat ze zelfs Palestijnen willen opofferen om hun antisemitische leugens over Israël te kunnen verkondigen.

Het bedrijf 'SodaStream' dat zich onder Israëlische ondernemers vestigde op "bezet" gebied op de Westerlijke Jordaanoever, maar waar maar liefst 900 Palestijnen werkzaam zijn, gaat verhuizen. Precies zoals de boycottende antismieten wilden. Het heeft echter een negatief bij-effect:

Now, it seems the supporters finally have their wish: SodaStream has announced, in a reported non-political move, that they are opening up a new factory in a land that indisputably belongs to Israel (unless you're a member of Hamas or ISIS), near the town of Lahavim in the Negev.

This could potentially mean that, if they evacuate the West Bank factory, the Israeli company will no longer be "occupying" in there any longer. Good job, BDS supporters.

Oh, it would also mean that 900 Palestinians - the people you claim you're trying to protect here - are now out of a job.
The company will make the move sometime in 2015. While it will still practice its equal opportunity hiring practices, it seems more likely that the region's Bedouin and African communities will be reaping the benefits of employment as opposed to the Palestinians.

Great job BDS supporters. Way to help out those Palestinians you know and understand so much.

Inderdaad. Chapeau, Palestijnenknuffelaars! Jullie hebben jezelf heel mooi in de voet geschoten.

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