Investeren in duurzame energie is riskant

Nieuws17 dec 2013, 16:30

Institutionele beleggers en particulieren die in duurzame energie willen investeren moeten oppassen. De voorgespiegelde rendementen zijn niet meer verzekerd als gevolg van mogelijke kortingen op subsidies.

De nieuwe coalitie in Duitsland, bestaande uit CDU/CSU/SPD, heeft tot een Wende van de Energiewende besloten.

Onder de titel, 'German Energy Brief Move Shows Merkel Focusing on Economy', schreef Stefan Nicola voor Bloomberg:

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s new cabinet sends a message on her priorities for the biggest shift to clean-energy of any developed country: Nurturing Germany’s economy takes precedence over the drive to renewables.

Merkel’s bloc and the Social Democrats said yesterday they’ll move responsibility for energy policy to the Economy Ministry from the Environment Ministry, put under the control of SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel. He will lead an overhaul of Germany’s EEG clean-energy law to help tame the second-highest electricity prices in the European Union after Denmark’s.

In doing so, “the government is shifting the main focus toward ensuring that the competitiveness of the German economy isn’t compromised by the energy switch,” Famke Krumbmuller, an energy-policy analyst at the Eurasia Foundation, a London-based policy adviser, said in an interview. “The fine-tuning of this massive reform is going to happen in one ministry, and the clear focus will be competitiveness and reducing costs.”

Over de uitwerking van deze beleidsvoornemens bestaat nog veel onzekerheid. Maar sommige commentatoren, zoals broeikasgelovige Claudia Kemfert, hebben al een voorschot daarop genomen.

Claudia Kemfert, who heads the energy unit at the DIW economic institute, a Berlin-based research group. Germany will not reach its target of reducing air pollution 40 percent by 2020 with the current coalition agreement, she said. .

Shifting the responsibility for energy to Gabriel’s ministry risks tipping policy too far in favor of economic interests, with “renewables taking a back seat,” Kemfert said.

 The energy switch affects the economy, but also in a positive way by creating jobs and new chances for growth,” she said. “The energy switch has an image problem and at the moment voices that want to slow down renewables or even stop the energy switch are dominating.”

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Claudia Kemfert (hier links op het podium), een econome, is een fervent verdedigster, zo niet propagandiste van het Duitse energiebeleid en krijgt in de Duitse media alle ruimte om haar opvattingen uit te venten. Zij volgt kritiekloos de officiële lijn dat ons een verschrikkelijke opwarming van de aarde te wachten staat als er niets wordt gedaan aan de uitstoot van CO2. Van klimaat heeft zij geen verstand. Bovendien blijkt zij geen kennis te hebben genomen van serieuze studies die hebben aangetoond dat een verhoging van het aandeel van duurzame energie in het totale energieaanbod per saldo veel meer banen kost dan oplevert. Als zo iemand beweert dat op dit moment de stemmen die een afremming van het duurzaamheidsbeleid of zelfs het einde van de Energiewende wensen, domineren, dan is dat bij wijze van uitzondering wèl een uitspraak van haar die serieus dient te worden genomen. 

Daarnaast vormt de aankondiging van de Europese Commissie van een onderzoek naar onwettige bevoordeling van de grote energie–intensieve bedrijven een bedreiging voor de Energiewende. Onder de titel, 'Regulators pose threat to EU green energy and industry', rapporteert Barbara Lewis voor Reuters:

A formal enquiry by EU regulators into German energy subsidies, expected this week, threatens to hand heavy industry a multi-billion euro bill and jeopardises Europe's shift to green energy, campaigners and lawyers say.

Across the European Union, subsidies to help achieve an overall 2020 target to get 20 percent of energy used from renewable sources have been blamed for pushing up fuel costs.

On Wednesday, the European Commission is expected to announce an enquiry into Germany's management of subsidies as it executes its Energiewende, or transition from fossil fuel and nuclear to renewable power.

To help them deal with costs, thousands of German intensive energy users have been exempt from a green surcharge ordinary customers have to pay. The Commission, the EU executive, is examining whether that was unfair and should be paid back.

A 51-page letter from the Commission to the German government seen by Reuters spells out concerns that the waiver was unlawful state aid.

No-one from the German government was immediately available for comment. Hans Juergen Kerkhoff, president of Germany's Steel Association, said the discounts merely served to balance out distortion in global competition and were not illegal aid.

The final outcome still might be benign. Germany could be cleared or just asked to meet certain conditions in order to fall in line with EU internal energy market and competition rules.

But the enquiry alone into one of the most sophisticated green energy laws could shatter investor confidence in renewable energy, such as solar and wind, across Europe and it could drag on for months or even years.

Doerte Fouquet, a Brussels-based lawyer at Becker Buettner Held, said the implications went far beyond the industry waiver, which the new German government would tackle.

"The problem is that with such a state aid investigation decision, the whole renewable energy system may break down. This could immediately affect running projects," she said.

The European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), which represents green energy, has urged the Commission to reconsider.

"With an opening of a full investigation procedure, the German Energiewende would come to a halt with immediate effect," Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes, EREF president, wrote in a letter to the European Commission.

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Het is te hopen dat het nieuwe Duitse energiebeleid en het onderzoek van de Europese Commissie het einde zullen inluiden van de Duitse Energiewende en het Europese decarboniseringsbeleid. Want in een variant op de beroemde uitspraak van Churchill is het misschien niet overdreven te stellen:

Never in the history of mankind have so many been the victim of the insane policy mess of so few.

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