2300 windmolens minder. Geweeklaag en geknars van tanden bij milieubeweging en windmolenbranche.
Een gepland megaproject voor de export van Ierse windenergie naar Engeland is afgeblazen. Onder de titel. ''Deal for 2,300 turbines to supply UK energy by 2020 called off'' schreef Peter Smyth in 'The Irish Times':
A negotiated agreement to facilitate green energy exports from the midlands by a 2020 EU timeframe has not been reached, Minister for Energy Pat Rabbitte has said, meaning the midlands energy export project will not proceed. The deal had envisaged 2,300 wind turbines being built across the midlands between now and 2020 to supply 5,000 megawatts to the British market.
Green Party leader Eamon Ryan responded to the announcement saying Ireland was walking away from renewable energy, while a wind energy lobby group expressed concern at the talks pull-out, saying a deal could have been reached. ...
The Minister said examination of the renewable energy export project arising from the March London summit, which included Taoiseach Enda Kenny and British prime minister David Cameron, had failed to conclude an inter-governmental agreement to facilitate green energy export from the midlands within the EUs 2020 timeframe.
He said: I regret that it has not been possible at this time to conclude an agreement as envisaged. However I believe that in the context of an European Internal Market and greater integration, greater trade in energy between Britain and Ireland is inevitable in the post 2020 scenario.
Mr Ryan said: Ireland is walking away from renewable energy on the same day the rest of the world is starting to see wind and solar power as the energy supply of the future - a reference to the latest study from the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
We need those clean power supplies to stop climate change, but also to create a more stable and efficient economy. ...
The National Offshore Wind Association of Ireland (NOW Ireland) expressed concern the Government had pulled out of the talks.
It said such a deal could have been reached allowing development of Irish offshore wind resources by 2020. The decision not to proceed with negotiations could end that opportunity. NOW Ireland will continue to negotiate on behalf of the industry with any party who will seek to deliver on this opportunity for Ireland. ...
The controversial proposal would have involved between 6 billion and 7 billion of investment by two companies, Element Power and Mainstream Renewable Power with substantial investment from Bord na Mona.
It was aimed at helping the UK meet its renewable targets of having 40 per cent of its electricity generated from renewable sources by 2020.
Mr Rabbittes statement said: Economic analysis conducted on the Irish side clearly indicates that under agreed policy and regulatory conditions, renewable energy trading can deliver significant economic benefits to Ireland and the UK, as well as being attractive to developers.
However, this will not happen automatically. Renewable energy trading has to be designed to work.
He stated he was confirmed in the view that given the economic, policy and regulatory complexities involved, and the key decisions yet to be taken by the UK, delivery by 2020 of a midlands wind export project is not now a realistic proposition.
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