Hoe groot is de invloed van Shell in Syrië? Groot

Nieuws02 sep 2011, 7:59

Vandaag wordt er besloten of er een olieboycot van Syrië komt. 

Maar hoe groot is de invloed van Shell eigenlijk in Syrie? Volgens Fox news groot:


The British-Dutch energy company Royal Dutch Shell and the French energy giant Total are two of the most active European companies in Syria. Hungarian energy firm MOL also produces significant amounts of Syrian oil. A recent analysis by Barclays Capital reports that in 2010, Syria experienced its first oil export growth since 2001, noting that “the potential loss of Shell, Totaland MOL remain high and could be a severe blow to Syrian oil production.” Shell’s 32 percent stake in Syria’s Al-Furat oil consortium gives it especially great influence on Assad. If Shell were to sever its contracts, and Total were to do the same -- ceasing exploration in the oil fields of the Euphrates and Syria’s central region -- Syria would be deprived of substantial western investment capital.

32%, dat is een aardige verantwoordelijkheid. 

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